4000 divya prabandham in english pdf lyrics with meaning

Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār - Periya Tirumoḻi (Fourth Decade)

Read and relish : Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār - Periya Tirumoḻi (Fourth Decade)

1248 * pōdalarnda poḻiṛ sōlaip * puṛam eṅgum poru tiraihaḷ *

 tādudira vandalaikkum * taḍamaṇṇit ten karai mēl *

 mādhavan tān uṛaiyum iḍam * vayal nāṅgai * varivaṇḍu

 tēdena enṛu isai pāḍum * tiruttēvanār togaiyē  

“The eternal residence of Lord Mādhava is Tiruttēvanār Togai[1]—situated on the southern banks of the river Maṇṇi, constantly lashed by the waves of the river, and dotted by big groves with many fragrant flowers from which the pollen dust fall all over the earth—in Tirunāṅgūr which is surrounded by fertile fields swarmed by humming striped bees.”


1249 yāvarumāy yāvaiyumāy * eḻil vedap poruḷhaḷumāy *

 mūvarumāy mudalāya * mūrti amarndu uṛaiyum iḍam **

 māvarum tiṇpaḍai mannai * venṛi koḷvār mannu nāṅgai *

 devarum senṛu iṛaiñju poḻil * tiruttēvanār togaiyē  

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who is in the form of material as well as spiritual worlds; who is the essence of Vedas; who has incarnated as Guṇa avatāras (Viṣṇu, Brahmā, and Śiva)—is Tiruttēvanār Togai, worshipped by the demigods and is full of groves in Tirunāṅgūr which is the eternal residence of brāhmaṇas who are victorious against the kings riding on horses and wielding deadly weapons.”


1250 vānāḍum maṇṇāḍum * maṭṛuḷḷa palluyirum *

 tānāya emperumān * talaivan amarndu uṛaiyum iḍam **

 ānāda peruñjelvattu * arumaṛaiyōr nāṅgai tannuḷ *

 tēnārum malarp poḻil sūḻ * tiruttēvanār togaiyē        

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who is in the form of material as well as spiritual worlds and the various living beings there—is Tiruttēvanār Togai, surrounded by groves full of flowers dripping nectar, in Tirunāṅgūr which is the eternal residence of brāhmaṇas who possess the eternal wealth of Vedic knowledge  .”   


1251 indiranum imaiyavarum * munivarhaḷum eḻil amainda

* sanda malarc cadumuganum * kadiravanum candiranum **

 endai emakku aruḷ ena ninṛu * aruḷum iḍam eḻil nāṅgai *

 sundara naṛpoḻil puḍai sūḻ * tiruttēvanār togaiyē        

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who is worshipped by Indra and other demigods, great sages like Sanaka, the four-headed Brahmā, the foremost in Vedic knowledge and who appeared from the lotus flower, sun, chandra, and others praying, ‘O our Lord! Please be merciful to us!’and who accepted the prayer—is Tiruttēvanār Togai, surrounded by beautiful groves, in Tirunāṅgūr.”


1252 anḍamum ivvalaikaḍalum * avanihaḷum kulavaraiyum *

 uṇḍa pirān uṛaiyum iḍam * ōḷimaṇi sandagil kanakam **

 teṇtiraihaḷ varat tiraṭṭum * tihaḻ maṇṇit tenkarai mēl *

 tiṇ tiṛalār payil nāṅgait * tiruttēvanār togaiyē        

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who swallowed the sky, the oceans, the islands (nine varṣas like Bhārata-varṣa), and the mountains dividing the islands—is Tiruttēvanār Togai in Tirunāṅgūr which is situated on the southern banks of the river Maṇṇi which brings with its flow brilliant gems, sandalwood and aguru woods, and gold and dumps them on the banks as huge mounds, and where very powerful people reside.”


1253 ñālam ellām amudu seydu * nānmaṛaiyum toḍarāda *

 bālaganāy ālilaiyil * paḷḷi koḷḷum paraman iḍam **

 sāli vaḷam peruhi varum * taḍamaṇṇit tenkarai mēl *

 sēl ugaḷum vayal nāṅgait * tiruttēvanār togaiyē        

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who cannot be reached through the chanting of Vedas; who swallowed the planetary systems and reclined as a baby on a tender banyan leaf—is Tiruttēvanār Togai in Tirunāṅgūr where in the fields where paddy crops have grown very well, the fish frolic.”   

1254 ōḍāda vāḷariyin * uruvāhi iraṇiyanai *

 vāḍāda vaḷḷugirāl * piḷandaḷainda māladiḍam **

 ēḍēṛu peruñjelvattu * eḻil maṛaiyōr nāṅgai tannuḷ *

 sēḍēṛu poḻil taḻuvu * tiruttēvanār togaiyē          

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who appeared in the inconceivable form of Nṛsiṁhadeva and with His sharp and strong nails tore off the chest of Hiraṇyakaśipu, his blood splashing everywhere—is Tiruttēvanār Togai with many fertile groves in Tirunāṅgūr which is the residence of meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas who were very opulent.”    


1255 vārārum iḷaṅgkoṅgai * maitiliyai maṇam puṇarvān *

 kārār tiṇsilai iṛutta * tanik kāḷai karudumiḍam **

 ērārum peruñjelvattu * eḻil maṛaiyōr nāṅgai tannuḷ *

 sīrārum malarp poḻil sūḻ * tiruttēvanār togaiyē        

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who broke the mighty bow to marry mother Sītā endowed with tender breasts—is Tiruttēvanār Togai surrounded by groves full of beautiful flowers in Tirunāṅgūr which is the residence of meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas who were very opulent.”    


 1256 kumbamihu mada yānai * pāganoḍum kulaindu vīḻa

* kombu adanaip paṛittu eṛinda * kūttan amarndu uṛaiyum iḍam **

vambaviḻum śeṇbagattin * maṇaṅgkamaḻum nāṅgai tannuḷ *

 sempon madiḷ poḻil puḍai sūḻ * tiruttēvanār togaiyē       

“The eternal residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who displays incredible pastimes like breaking the tusk of the demoniac elephant and killing it as well as its keeper—is Tiruttēvanār Togai, surrounded by golden ramparts and groves, in Tirunāṅgūr where the fragrance of just blossomed champak flowers wafts with the gentle breeze.”


1257 * kārārnda tirumēnik * kaṇṇan amarndu uṛaiyum iḍam *

 sīrārnda poḻil nāṅgait * tiruttēvanār togai mēl **

 kūrārnda vēṛkaliyan * kūṛu tamiḻ pattum vallār *

 ērārnda vaikuṇṭhattu * imaiyavarōḍu iruppārē

“Those who can recite these ten Tamiḻ songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār who wields a lethal spear—about Tiruttēvanār Togai in Tirunāṅgūr, surrounded by lovely groves, the eternal residence of the dark-hued Kaṇṇan—will attain the supreme abode Vaikuṇṭha and live with the eternal associates of the Lord.”


[1] Tiruttēvanār Togai: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu 

1258 * kamba mākaḍal aḍaittu ilaṅgaikku man * kadir muḍi avai pattum

 ambināl aṛuttu * arasu avan tambikku aḷittavan uṛai kōyil **

 sembalānirai śeṇbagam mādhavi * sūtagam vāḻaihaḷ sūḻ *

 vambulām kamugōṅgiya nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē       

“The temple abode of Lord Rāma—who built a bridge across the massive ocean, cut off the ten effulgent heads of Rāvaṇa, and offered the kingdom to his brother—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr which is surrounded by rows of jackfruit, champak, hiptage, mango, plantain, and fragrant betel nut trees.”[1]


1259 pallavam tigaḻ pūṅgkaḍambu ēṛi * akkāḷiyan paṇavaraṅgil *

 ollai vanduṛap pāyndu arunaḍañjeyda * umbar kōn uṛai kōyil **

 nalla vendaḻal mūnṛu nālvēdam * aivēḷviyōḍu āṛaṅgam *

 valla andaṇar malhiya nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē       

“The temple abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—who suddenly jumped from a (dried up) burflower-tree, which immediately became alive (by the touch of Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet) and displayed fresh sprouts and flowers, on top of the hoods of Kāliya and danced merrily—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr which is full of meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas who tend to the three fires, chant the four Vedas, perform pañca-mahā-yajñas, and the six Vedāṅgas.”


1260 aṇḍarānavar vānavar kōnukku enṛu * amaitta sōṛadu ellām

 uṇḍu * kōnirai mēyttu avai kāttavan * uhandu inidu uṛai kōyil **

 koṇḍalār muḻavil kuḷirvār poḻil * kula mayil naḍamāḍa *

 vaṇḍu tān isai pāḍiḍu nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē       

“The temple abode of the Lord—who ate all the rice and other offerings made by the cowherd men for Indra and who grazed as well as protected the cows (from the torrential rains)—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where in the vast, cool groves many prides of peacocks happily dance when it is cloudy and thundering occurs and the bumblebees hum matching the dance.”  


1261 paruṅgai yānaiyin kombinaip paṛittu * adan pāganaic cāḍip pukku *

 oṛuṅga mallaraik konṛu * pin kañjanai udaittavan uṛai kōyil **

 karumbinūḍu uyar sālihaḷ viḷai taru * kaḻaniyil mali vāvi *

 maruṅgelām poḻilōṅgiya nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē      

“The temple abode of the Lord—who broke the tusk of the demoniac elephant, with a stout trunk, killed it as well as its keeper, eliminated the wrestlers and kicked the life out of Kaṁsa—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where there are many fertile fields with sugarcane plants and well grown paddy crops, and groves surrounding the wells.”


1262 sāḍu pōy viḻat tāḷ nimirttu * īsan tan paḍaiyoḍum kiḷaiyōḍum

 ōḍa * vāṇanai āyirantōḷhaḷum * tuṇittavan uṛai kōyil **

 āḍuvān koḍi agal visumbu aṇavip pōyp * pagalavan oḷi maṛaikkum *

 māḍa māḷigai sūḻ taru nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē       

“The temple abode of the Lord—who kicked and scattered the wheel (killing the demon); who made Śiva run away from the battlefield accompanied by his army and relatives and cut off the arms of the thousand-armed Bāṇāsura—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where multitude of multi-storied palaces and the fluttering flags on their tops block the sunlight.”  


1263 aṅgaiyāl aḍi mūnṛu nīr ēṭṛu * ayan alar koḍu toḻudu ētta *

 gaṅgai pōdarak kāl nimirttu aruḷiya * kaṇṇan vanduṛai kōyil **

koṅgai kōṅgavai kāṭṭa vāy kumudaṅgaḷ kāṭṭa * māpadumaṅgaḷ *

 maṅgaimār muham kāṭṭiḍu nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē      

 “The temple abode of Kaṇṇan—who was assured of three feet of land by accepting in His lovely lotus hand the water offered by Bali, then expanded and stretched His leg which was worshipped with flowers and prayed by Brahmā; (pierced the covering of the universe with His toe) and brought down the river Ganges—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where the flower-buds of the Malabar silk-cotton tree resemble the breasts of the ladies; the red lotus their lips, and the fully blossomed lotus their faces.”      

1264 uḷaiya oṇtiṛal ponpeyarōn tanadu * uram piḷandu udirattai

 aḷaiyum * veñjinattu aripari kīṛiya * appan vanduṛai kōyil **

 iḷaiya maṅgaiyar iṇaiyaḍic cilambinōḍu * eḻilkoḷ pandaḍippōr * kai

 vaḷaiyin inṛoli malhiya nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē       

“The temple abode of the Lord—who as the furious Nṛsiṁhadeva cleaved the chest of the very strong demon Hiraṇyakaśipu splashing blood everywhere; who killed the Keśī demon who came in the form of a horse—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where the tinkling sound of the anklets worn by the damsels and the chiming sound from the bangles worn by the young girls playing with the ball are heard everywhere.” 


1265 vāḷaiyār taḍaṅgaṇ umai paṅgan * van sābam maṭṛadu nīṅga *

 mūḷaiyār sirattu aiyam mun aḷitta * em mugil vaṇṇan uṛai kōyil **

 pāḷai vānkamugūḍu uyar teṅgin * vanpaḻam viḻa veruvip pōy *

 vāḷai pāy taḍam sūḻ taru nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē      

“The temple abode of the rain cloud-hued Lord—who filled the skull (with His blood), stuck to the palm of Śiva, who has given half of his body to Pārvatī with large fish-like eyes, to relieve him from a curse—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr which is surrounded by lakes in which the fish jump up in fear when big coconut fruits from the trees on the banks which have grown in between the tall areca trees, fall (into the lake).”


1266 induvār saḍai īśanaip payanda * nānmuganai tan eḻilārum *

 undi māmalar mīmisaip paḍaittavan * ugandu iniduṛai kōyil **

 kundi vāḻaiyin koḻuṅgkani nugarndu * tan kuruḷaiyait taḻuvip pōy *

 mandi māmpaṇai mēl vaigu nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamamē      

“The temple abode of the Lord—who created Brahmā, the creator of Śiva sporting crescent moon on his matted hair, in the lotus flower that sprouted from His beautiful naval—is Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where the mother monkeys, holding the young ones to their bosom, after feasting on the ripe bananas in the plantain plantation, go and take rest on the branches of mango trees.”   


1267 * maṇṇuḷār pugaḻ vediyar nāṅgūr * vaṇpuruḍōttamattuḷ *

 aṇṇal sēvaḍik kīḻ aḍaindu uyndavan * āliman aruḷmāri **

 paṇṇuḷār tarap pāḍiya pāḍal * ippattum vallār * ulagil

 eṇṇilāda pērinbam uṭṛu * imaiyavarōḍum kūḍuvarē

“Those who can recite these ten melodious Tamiḻ songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār—who is the munificent chief of the city of Tiruvāli and who has surrendered at the lotus feet of the Lord in Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam in Tirunāṅgūr where meritorious Vedic scholars live—will live very happily and attain Vaikuṇṭha to live in the association of the eternal associates of the Lord.” 


[1] Vaṇ Puruṣōttamam: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu 

1268 * pēraṇindu ulagattavar toḻudēttum * pēraruḷāḷan empirānai *

 vāraṇi mulaiyāḷ malarmagaḷōḍu * maṇmagaḷum uḍan niṛpa **

 sīraṇi māḍa nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 kāraṇi mēham ninṛadu oppānaik * kaṇḍu koṇḍu uyndoḻindēnē 

“I worshipped and took shelter of our very merciful Lord in standing posture—whose lotus feet are worshipped by the people performing Harināma-saṅkīrtana; who resembles the fresh rain cloud; who is accompanied by well corseted Lakṣmī-devī and Bhū-devī—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr which has many beautiful palaces, and attained freedom from birth and death.”[1]   


1269 piṛappoḍu mūppu onṛillavan tannaip * pēdiyā inba veḷḷattai *

 iṛappedir kālak kaḻivum ānānai * ēḻisaiyin suvai tannai **

 siṛappuḍai maṛaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 maṛaip perum poruḷai vānavar kōnaik * kaṇḍu nān - vāḻndoḻindēnē       

“I worshipped the Lord—who is not born, is eternally youthful, and is eternally blissful; who is beyond past, present, and future spheres; who is the essence of the Sapta-svaras; who is the subject of the Vedas; who is the Lord of the demigods—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, the residence of meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas, and attained freedom from birth and death.”


1270 tiḍavisumpu eri nīr tiṅgaḷum suḍarum * seḻunilattu uyirgaḷum maṭṛum *

 paḍar poruḷhaḷumāy ninṛavan tannai * paṅgayattu ayanavan anaiya **

 diḍamoḻi maṛaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 kaḍal niṛa vaṇṇan tannai nān aḍiyēn * kaṇḍu koṇḍu - uyndoḻindēnē      

“I worshipped the Lord—who has transformed into gross material objects like the five elements – sky, the fire, the water, the air, and the earth, the moon, the sun, the various living beings on the earth, and various other objects; who is dark ocean-hued—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, the residence of Vedic brāhmaṇas meritorious like Brahmā, and attained freedom from birth and death.”


 1271 vasaiyaṛu kuṛaḷāy māvali vēḷvi * maṇ aḷaviṭṭavan tannai *

 asaivaṛum amarar aḍiyiṇai vaṇaṅga * alaikaḍal tuyinṛa ammānai **

 tisaimugan anaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 uyarmaṇi maguḍam sūḍi ninṛānaik * kaṇḍu koṇḍu uyndoḻindēnē 

“I worshipped the Lord—who in the form of the wonderful Vāmana measured the planetary systems in Bali’s sacrifice; who is reclining in the Milk Ocean and whose lotus feet are worshipped by His ever-enthusiastic eternal associates; who is crowned with a helmet decorated with very valuable gems—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, the residence of Vedic brāhmaṇas meritorious like Brahmā, and attained freedom from birth and death.”


1272 tīmanattu arakkar tiṛal aḻittavanē! enṛu * senṛu aḍaindavar - tamakku *

 tāy manattiraṅgi aruḷinaik koḍukkum * tayaradan madalaiyaic - cayamē **

 tēmalarp poḻil sūḻ nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 kāmanaip payandān tannai nān aḍiyēn * kaṇḍu koṇḍu - uyndoḻindēnē       

“I worshipped Lord Rāma—who is merciful like a mother to those devotees who come to Him praying, ‘O Lord, who has destroyed the pride of the evil asuras!’; who created the cupid—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, which is surrounded by groves full of nectar-dripping flowers and where there is a constant echoing of ‘Jaya!’ and attained freedom from birth and death.”


1273 mallaimā munnīr atarpaḍa * malaiyāl aṇai seydu magiḻndavan tannai *

 kallin mīdu iyanṛa kaḍimadiḷ ilaṅgai kalaṅga * ōr vāḷi toṭṭānai **

 selva nānmaṛaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 allimā malarāḷ tannoḍum aḍiyēn * kaṇḍu koṇḍu allal tīrndēnē 

“I worshipped Lord Rāma—who crossed the mighty ocean by building a bridge of huge rocks and devastated Laṅkā, built on a mountain and surrounded by strong ramparts, with His arrow—accompanied by Lakṣmī-devī in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, which is the residence of brāhmaṇas who consider the four Vedas as their great wealth, and attained freedom from all miseries.”


1274 veñjinak kaḷiṛum villoḍu mallum * veguṇḍu iṛuttu aḍarttavan tannai *

 kañjanaik kāynda kāḷai ammānaik * karumuhil tiruniṛattavanai **

 señjol nānmaṛaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 añjanak kunṛam ninṛatoppānaik * kaṇḍu koṇḍu allal tīrndēnē 

“I worshipped the youthful Lord—who killed the demoniac elephant, broke the bow in the sacrifice, annihilated the wrestlers, and slayed Kaṁsa; who is rain cloud-hued; who resembles a hill of collyrium—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, which is the residence of brāhmaṇas with sweet words, and attained freedom from all miseries.”    


1275 * anṛiya vāṇan āyiram tōḷum tuṇiya * anṛu āḻi toṭṭānai *

 mintihaḻ kuḍumi veṅkaṭa malai mēl * mēviya veda nalviḷakkai **

 tentisait tiladam anaiyavar nāṅgaic * cemponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 manṛadu poliya magiḻndu ninṛānai * vaṇaṅgi nān - vāḻndoḻindēnē       

“I worshipped the Lord—who cut off the thousand arms of the arrogant Bāṇāsura with His disc weapon; who resides on the resplendent peak of Veṅkaṭa Hills; who is the effulgent lamp of Vedic knowledge; who is eagerly standing to shower His mercy on the devotees—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, which is the residence of brāhmaṇas who are the pride of the southern direction, and attained freedom from birth and death.”


1276 kaḷaṅgani vaṇṇā! kaṇṇaṇē! endan * kārmuhilē! ena ninaintiṭṭu *

 uḷam kanindirukkum aḍiyavar taṅgaḷ * uḷḷattuḷ ūṛiya tēnai **

 teḷinda nānmaṛaiyōr nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 vaḷaṅgkoḷ pērinbam manni ninṛānai * vaṇaṅgi nān - vāḻndoḻindēnē       

“I worshipped the Lord—who is hailed, ‘O bush plum-hued Kaṇṇā!’[2] ‘O my rain cloud!’ by His devotees in ecstasy; who is the fountain of nectar in the hearts of His devotees; who is eagerly standing to shower His mercy on the devotees—in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr, which is the residence of meritorious brāhmaṇas, and attained freedom from birth and death.”


1277 * tēnamar sōlai nāṅgai nannaḍuvuḷ * semponsey kōyilin uḷḷē *

 vānavar kōnaik kaṇḍamai sollum * maṅgaiyār vāṭkalikanṛi **

 ūnamil pāḍal onbadōḍu onṛum * oḻivinṛik kaṭṛu vallārgaḷ *

 māna veṇkuḍaik kīḻ vaiyagam āṇḍu * vānavar āhuvar

“Those who can recite all these ten perfect songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār—who is the chief of the city of Tirumaṅgai and who has a mighty sword—about his worshipping of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Semponsey Kōyil in the centre of Tirunāṅgūr with many groves swarmed by bumblebees, will happily rule the world under a big parasol and attain Vaikuṇṭha to live in the association of the eternal associates of the Lord.”


 [1] Semponsey Kōyil: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu  

[2] Bush plum: Carissa spinarum, the conkerberry or bush plum,

1278 * māṭṛarasar maṇimuḍiyum tiṛalum tēsum * maṭṛavar tam kādalimār kuḻaiyum * tandai

 kāl taḷaiyum uḍan kaḻala vandu tōnṛik * katanāgam kāttaḷitta kaṇṇar kaṇḍīr **

 nūṭṛidaḻ koḷ aravindam nuḻainda paḷḷattu * iḷaṅgkamugin mudupāḷai paguvāy naṇḍin *

 sēṭṛaḷaiyil veṇmuttam sindum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē     

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Kaṇṇan—who is my Supreme Personality of Godhead; who appeared (on the earth) to take away altogether the ruby-studded crowns of the Kaurava kings, their valour, their effulgence, their wives’ jewels, and the fetters on His father’s (Vasudeva) feet; who relieved the distress of the mighty elephant king—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where the crabs crawl to the ditches and enter the lotus flowers with hundred petals (for food); and the white pearl-like fruits of the areca trees litter the muddy holes of the crabs and block them.”[1]    


1279 poṭṛoḍit tōḷ maḍamagaḷ tan vaḍivu koṇḍa * pollāda vanpēycci koṅgai vāṅgi *

 peṭṛeḍutta tāy pōla maḍuppa * ārum pēṇā nañjuṇḍu uganda piḷḷai kaṇḍīr **

 nel toḍutta malar nīlam niṛainda sūḻal * iruñjiṛaiya vaṇḍoliyum neḍuṅgaṇār tam *

 siṭṛaḍi mēl silamboliyum miḻaṭṛum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē    

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Kaṇṇan—who, as a baby, happily sucked the detestable poison-laced breast offered as if lovingly like a mother, by the evil demon Pūtanā who came in the form of the gentle mother Yaśodā whose arms are bedecked with gold bangles—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where the fertile fields of paddy crops, decorated by rows of blue water lilies, resound with the humming noise of the bumblebees and the tinkling sound of the anklets worn by the women labourers with large eyes.”    



paḍal aḍaitta siṛukurambai nuḻaindu pukkup * pasu veṇṇey padamārap paṇṇai muṭṛum *

 aḍal aḍartta vēṛkaṇār tōkkai paṭṛi * alantalaimai seyduḻalum aiyan kaṇḍīr **

 maḍal eḍutta neḍunteṅgin paḻaṅgaḷ vīḻa * māṅganihaḷ tiraṭṭuruṭṭā varunīrp ponni *

 tiḍal eḍuttu malar sumandaṅgu iḻiyu nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē    

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Kaṇṇan—who roams around the village and enters the huts closed with thatch doors to steal just churned and stored butter; (but when caught) harasses the spear-like long-eyed cowherd women by pulling their sarees—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where the low-lying land is flooded by the river Kāverī which brings in its rapid flow various flowers, bunches of mangoes which drop down when coconut fruits fall down from the tall coconut trees on the mango trees grown on the banks.”      


1281 vārārum mulai maḍavāḷ pinnaikkāhi * vaḷai maruppil kaḍuñjinattu van tāḷārnda *

 kārār tiṇ viḍai aḍarttu vaduvai āṇḍa * karumugil pōl tiruniṛattu en kaṇṇar kaṇḍīr **

 ērārum malarp poḻilhaḷ taḻuvi eṅgum * eḻil madiyaik kāl toḍara viḷaṅgu sōdi *

 sīrārum maṇimāḍam tigaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē   

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Kaṇṇan—who is rain cloud-hued and who tamed the dark-hued demoniac bulls which had curved horns and strong legs, to marry the well-corseted, gentle damsel Nappinnai—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where tall groves with many blossomed flowers touch the sky as if blocking the resplendent moon; where there are many bright palaces with decorated balconies.”    


1282 kalai ilaṅgum agalalkul kamalap pāvai * kadir muttaveṇṇa kaiyāḷ karuṅgaṇ āycci *

 mulai ilaṅgum oḷi maṇippūṇ vaḍamum tēyppa * mūvāda varai neḍuntōḷ mūrtti kaṇḍīr **

 malai ilaṅgu niraic candi māḍa vīdi * āḍavarai maḍamoḻiyār mugattu * iraṇḍu

silai vilaṅgi manañjiṛai koṇḍirukkum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē    

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Kaṇṇan—on whose either side are Śrī-Lakṣmī, with an elegant hip decorated by gold hip-belt and white, pearl-like teeth, and dark-eyed cowherd damsel Nappinnai; who is eternally youthful and whose mountain-like shoulders are brushed by the necklace of beads and the thick chain of gold on the breasts of the consorts—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where damsels with enticing talk and bow-shaped brows, moving on the streets with rows of huge palaces with balconies, capture the hearts of young men.”      


1283 tān pōlum enṛeḻundān taraṇiyāḷan * adu kaṇḍu tarittiruppān arakkar taṅgaḷ *

 kōn pōlum enṛeḻundān kunṛam anna * irubadu tōḷuḍan tuṇitta oruvan kaṇḍīr **

 mān pōlum mennōkkin seyya vāyār * maragadam pōl maḍakkiḷiyaik kai mēl koṇḍu *

 tēn pōlum menmaḻalai payiṭṛum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē     

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Rāma—who cut off at once the twenty mountain-like shoulders of Rāvaṇa who arrogantly thought, ‘Assuming that He was the ruler of the entire world this (puny) man is challenging me; even after seeing this, one who doesn’t immediately punish Him is not fit to be the king of the asuras’ and charged to the battlefield—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where damsels with doe-like lovely eyes and reddish lips, keep the cute, green parrots on their arms and teach them to talk sweetly.”


1284 poṅgilaṅgu purinūlum tōlum tāḻap * pollāda kuṛaḷuruvāyp porundā vāṇan *

 maṅgalam sēr maṛai vēḷvi adanuḷ pukku * maṇṇagalam kuṛai iranda maindan kaṇḍīr **

 koṅgalarnda malark kuḻalār koṅgai tōynda * kuṅgumattin kuḻambaḷainda kōlam tannāl *

 seṅgalaṅgal veṇmaṇal mēl tavaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē     

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Vāmana—who went in the form of a charming dwarf brāhmaṇa, adorned with an effulgent sacred thread and deer skin, to the auspicious sacrificial arena, filled with the sound of Vedic chant, of Bali, the king of the asuras, and begged for land—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr where the river water, which flows engulfing the white sand dunes, has become reddish due to mixing with the vermilion powder applied on the breasts of the women with hair decorated with fragrant flowers, bathing (in the river).”       


1285 silampiniḍai siṛu paral pōl periya mēru * tirukkuḷambil kaṇakaṇappat tiruvākāram

 kuluṅga * nila maḍandai tanai iḍandu pulgik * kōṭṭiḍai vaittu aruḷiya eṅgkōmān kaṇḍīr **

 ilaṅgiya nānmaṛai anaittum aṅgam āṛum * ēḻisaiyum kēḷvigaḷum eṇ tikku eṅgum *

 silambiya naṛperuñjelvam tigaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē     

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord Varāha—who picked up the earth (from the depth of the ocean) by His tusk while the huge Mount Meru stuck to His hooves raised a grating noise like the small stones kept inside the anklet and His chest, the abode of Śrī-Lakṣmī, shaking—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr which is very opulent and where the chanting of the Vedas, the six aṅgas, the sapta-svaras, the Itihāsas, and the Purāṇas reverberate in the eight quarters.”


1286 ēḻulagum tāḻ varaiyum eṅgum mūḍi  * eṇ tisaiyum maṇḍalamum maṇḍi * aṇḍam

 mōḻai eḻundu āḻi mihum ūḻi veḷḷam * mun agaṭṭil oḍukkiya em mūrti kaṇḍīr **

 ūḻitoṛum ūḻitoṛum uyarnda selvattu *  ōṅgiya nānmaṛai anaittum tāṅgu nāvar *

 sēḻuyarnda maṇimāḍam tigaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālē     

“Behold the red lotus-eyed Lord—who swallowed the swelling water of mahā-praḷaya which inundated the seven islands, the bordering small mountains and the big mountains, the eight quarters, all the planetary systems and contained in His stomach—in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr which is the residence of Vedic brāhmaṇas whose tongue holds the scriptures like the Vedas and whose wealth grows with time; and where there are many tall palaces with balconies decorated with valuable stones.”  


1287 * sīraṇinda maṇimāḍam tigaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirutteṭṛiyambalattu en seṅgaṇmālai *

 kūraṇinda vēlvalavan āli nāḍan * koḍimāḍa maṅgaiyar kōn kuṛaiyalāḷi **

 pāraṇinda tol pugaḻān kaliyan sonna * pāmālai ivai aindum aindum vallār *

 sīraṇinda ulagattu mannarāhic * cēṇ visumbil vānavarāyt tigaḻvar tāmē   

“Those who can recite these ten songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār—who wields a sharp spear; who is the chief of the city of Tiruvāli and Tirumaṅgai with many palaces decorated by festoons and is the ruler of Tirukkuraiyalur[2]—about his Lord residing in Tirutteṭṛiyambalam in Tirunāṅgūr will become kings in this world and then will live with the eternal associates of the Lord in Vaikuṇṭha.” 


[1] Tirutteṭṛiyambalam: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

[2] Tirukkuraiyalur: The birthplace of Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār

1288 * tūmbuḍaip panaikkai vēḻam * tuyar keḍuttaruḷi * mannu

 kāmbuḍaik kunṛam ēndik * kaḍumaḻai kātta endai **

 pūmpunal ponni muṭṛum * pugundu pon varaṇḍa * eṅgum

ēmpoḻil kamaḻum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē 

“The abode of my Lord—who relieved the distress of the mighty king elephant; who lifted the Govardhana Hill and held it as an umbrella to protect (the cowherd people and their cows) from the torrential rains—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where the river Kāverī flows rapidly, brings and dumps heaps of gold; and where everywhere there are groves with honey-dripping, fragrant flowers.”[1]



kavvai vāḷeyiṭṛu vanpēyk * kadir mulai suvaittu * ilaṅgai vavviya iḍumbai kūrak

* kaḍuṅgaṇai turanda endai **

kovvai vāy magaḷir koṅgaik * kuṅgumam kaḻuvip pōnda * deyva nīr kamaḻum nāṅgūrt *tirumaṇikkūḍattānē   

“The abode of my Lord—who sucked the poison-laced breast of the evil demon Pūtanā who had sword-like sharp teeth; who shot arrows to eliminate the curse (the Rākṣasas) on Laṅkā—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where the holy river Kāverī flows carrying the fragrance of the vermillion paste that has been washed off from the breasts of the bathing women with ivy gourd fruit-like reddish lips.”  


1290 māttoḻil maḍaṅgac ceṭṛu * maṛudiṛa naḍandu * vantāḷ

 sēttoḻil sidaittup * pinnai sevvit tōḷ puṇarnda endai **

 nāttoḻil maṛai vallārhaḷ * nayandu aṛam payanda * vaṇ kait

 tīttoḻil payilum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē    

“The abode of my Lord—who put an end to the demoniac activities of the demon Keśī by killing him when he came in horse form; who crawled in between and brought down the twin arjuna trees; who tamed the seven demoniac bulls and embraced the beautiful shoulders of Nappinnai—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where the brāhmaṇas engage in learning Vedas, follow dharma, and regularly perform fire sacrifices.” 


1291 tāṅgarum sinattuvan tāḷ * taḍakkaimā maruppu vāṅgi *

 pūngkurundu osittup puḷvāy piḷandu * erudaḍartta endai **

 māṅgani nuharnda mandi * vandu vaṇḍiriya * vāḻait

 tīṅgani nugarum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē    

“The abode of my Lord—who broke the tusk (and killed) of the demoniac and mighty elephant; who brought down the twin arjuna trees; who bifurcated the beak of Bakāsura in the form of a heron; who tamed the demoniac bulls—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where after feasting on the mangoes, the monkeys jump on the plaintain trees, scattering the bumblebees there, and eat the bananas.”


1292 karumagaḷ ilaṅgaiyāṭṭi * pilaṅgoḷ vāy tiṛandu * tan mēl

 varumavaḷ seviyum mūkkum * vāḷināl taḍinda endai **

 perumagaḷ pēdai maṅgai * tannoḍum pirivilāda *

 tirumagaḷ maruvum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē   

“The abode of my Lord—who, with His sword, cut off the ear and the nose of the lusty Shūrpanakhā who was dark like a caṇḍāla (the lowest of human beings) woman, the sister of the king of Laṅkā, and had a cave-like mouth—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where He is eternally accompanied by the glorious Bhū-devī who patiently bears all the atrocities committed by the human beings and Śrī-Lakṣmī.”  


1293 keṇḍaiyum kuṛaḷum puḷḷum * kēḻalum ariyum māvum *

 aṇḍamum suḍarum alla * āṭṛalum āya endai **

 oṇtiṛal tennanōḍa * vaḍavara sōṭṭam kaṇḍa *

 tiṇtiṛalāḷar nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē     

“The abode of my Lord—who incarnated as Matsya, Vāmana, Haṁsa, Varāha, Nṛsiṁha, Hayagrīva and so on; who became the brahmāṇḍa (the egg of creation), the sun, the moon, and many more objects—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr which is the residence of very valiant brāhmaṇas who defeated and chased away the very powerful Pāṇḍya king and the king of the Chōḷa kingdom on the northern side of the Pāṇḍya kingdom.”


1294 kunṛamum vānum maṇṇum * kuḷir punal tiṅgaḷōḍu *

ninṛa veñjuḍarum allā * nilaihaḷum āya endai **

 manṛavum vayalum kāvum * māḍamum maṇam koṇḍu * eṅgum

 tenṛal vandu ulavum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē   

“The abode of my Lord—who became the mountains, the sky, the earth, the cold rivers, the moon, the sun, and the stars—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where the fragrant breeze of the spring wafts through the large streets, fields, groves, the palaces and everywhere.”


1295 saṅgaiyum tuṇivum poyyum * meyyum ittaraṇi ōmbum *

 poṅgiya mugilum allāp * poruḷhaḷum āya endai **

 paṅgayam ugutta tēṛal * paruhiya vāḷai pāya *

seṅgayal ugaḷum nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānē     

“The abode of my Lord—who is the doubt, the certainty, the false, the truth, and the rain clouds which keeps the earth productive, and is in many other forms—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where while the belt fish, after feasting on the pollen dust from the lotus flowers, frolic jumping and swimming here and there, the reddish carp fish jump in fear.” 


1296 pāvamum aṛamum vīḍum * inbamum tunbam tānum *

 kōvamum aruḷum allāk * guṇaṅgaḷum āya endai **

 mūvaril eṅgaḷ mūrti * ivan ena munivarōḍu *

 devar vandu iṛaiñjum * nāṅgūrt tirumaṇikkūḍattānē 

 “The abode of my Lord—who is the sin, the pious credit, the mokṣa, the happiness, the sadness, the anger, the mercy, and the modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance—is Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr where the sages and the demigods come and worship Him on realising that among the Trinity (Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva), Lord Viṣṇu is the supreme shelter.”


1297 * tiṅgaḷ tōy māḍa nāṅgūrt * tirumaṇikkūḍattānai *

 maṅgaiyar talaivan vaṇ tār * kaliyan vāyoligaḷ vallār **

 poṅgu nīrulagam āṇḍu * ponnulagāṇḍu * pinnum

 veṅgkadirp paridi vaṭṭattūḍu * pōy viḷaṅguvārē

“Those who can recite these ten songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār—who is the chief of Tirumaṅgai and is adorned with a fragrant garland—about the Lord in Tirumaṇikkūḍam in Tirunāṅgūr with many palaces rising sky high touching the moon will rule this world, then enjoy in heaven, and finally pass through the ‘path of light.’” [2]


[1] Tirumaṇikkūḍam: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

[2] Path of light: According to Vedic opinion, there are two ways of passing from this world – one in light and one in darkness. When one passes in light, he does not come back; but when one passes in darkness, he returns. (Gītā 8.26)

1298 * tāvaḷandu ulaga muṭṛum * taḍamalarp poygai pukku *

 nāvaḷam navinṛaṅgu ētta * nāgattin naḍukkam tīrttāy! **

 māvaḷam peruhi mannu * maṛaiyavar vāḻum * nāṅgaik

 kāvaḷampāḍi mēya * kaṇṇanē! kaḷaikaṇ nīyē    

“O Kaṇṇā, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where very opulent Vedic brāhmaṇas live![1] The elephant king roamed all around and entered a lake full of big lotus flowers and his leg was caught by a crocodile in the lake; when he prayed calling out holy names, You came and relieved his misery; (similarly) please protect us.”


1299 maṇṇiḍandu ēnamāhi * māvali vali tolaippān *

 viṇṇavar vēṇḍac cenṛu * vēḷviyil kuṛai irandāy **

 tuṇṇena māṭṛār tammait * tolaittavar nāṅgai mēya *

 kaṇṇanē! kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē   

“O Kaṇṇā, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where people who easily conquered their enemies live! You took the form of a boar to bring out the earth from the muddy depths of the ocean; to favour the demigods, You went to the sacrificial arena of Bali, begged for (three feet of) land and subdued his pride; (similarly) please protect us.”


1300 urutteḻu vāli mārvil * ōru kaṇai uruva ōṭṭi *

 karuttuḍait tambikku * inbak kadir muḍi arasu aḷittāy **

 parutteḻu palavum māvum * paḻam viḻundu oḻuhum nāṅgaik *

 karuttanē! kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē   

“O Kaṇṇā, the cause of all causes, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where the big jackfruits and ripe mangoes fall from the trees and their nectar ooze out! You killed the arrogant Vali by piercing his chest with a single arrow and gave the effulgent crown and the kingdom to Sugrīva, Your devotee; (similarly) please protect us.”


1301 munai mugattu arakkan māḷa * muḍihaḷ pattu aṛuttu vīḻttu * āṅgu

 anaiyavaṛku iḷaiyavaṛkē * arasaḷittu aruḷinānē! **

 sunaihaḷil kayalhaḷ pāyac * curumbu tēn nugarum nāṅgaik *

 “O Kaṇṇā, adorned with victoriously clinking anklets! One who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where in the lakes, due to the humming noise of the bumblebees drinking honey, the carp fish jump in fear and swim away. You eliminated Rāvaṇa, by cutting off his ten heads, and handed over the kingdom to his brother, Vibhīṣaṇa; (similarly) please protect us.”


1302 paḍavara ucci tan mēl * pāyndu pal naḍaṅgaḷ seydu *

 maḍavaral maṅgai tannai * mārvagattu iruttinānē! **

 taḍavarai taṅgu māḍat * tagu pugaḻ nāṅgai mēya *

 kaḍavuḷē! kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē     

“O Lord, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr which has many palaces like mountains and is very glorious. You jumped on the hoods of the serpent Kālīya and danced; You are keeping Śrī-Lakṣmī eternally on Your chest; (similarly) please protect us.”  


1303 mallarai aṭṭu māḷak * kañjanai malaindu konṛu *

 pallarasu avindu vīḻa * bhāratap pōr muḍittāy! **

 nallaraṇ kāvin nīḻal * naṛai kamaḻ nāṅgai mēya *

 kallaraṇ kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē    

“O Kaṇṇā, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi, surrounded by stone ramparts, in Tirunāṅgūr which is under the shade of many fort-like fragrant groves. You engaged with the wrestlers and killed them; then attacked Kaṁsa and killed him; enacted the Mahābhārata war and wiped out thousands of kings; please protect us.”  


1304 mūttavaṛku arasu vēṇḍi * munbu tūdu eḻundaruḷi *

 māttamar pāgan vīḻa * mada kari maruppu osittāy! **

 pūttamar sōlai ōṅgip * punal parandu oḻugum nāṅgaik *

 kāttanē! kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē  

“O Saviour, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr which has many rows of groves, full of flowers, and watered by canals. Desiring to give the kingdom to Yudhiṣṭhira You went as a messenger; You broke the tusk of the demoniac elephant and killed both the elephant and its handler; please protect us.”  


1305 ēviḷam kannikkāhi * imaiyavar kōnaic ceṭṛu *

 kāvaḷam kaḍitiṛuttuk * kaṛpagam koṇḍu pōndāy! **

 pūvaḷam poḻilhaḷ sūḻnda * purandaran seyda nāṅgaik *

 kāvaḷampāḍi mēya *  kaṇṇanē! kaḷaikaṇ nīyē   

“O Kaṇṇa, one who resides eternally in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr which was constructed by Indra and is surrounded by many groves, full of flowers. To please Your young consort Satyabhāmā, You defeated Indra in a battle, destroyed His garden, and brought and planted the kalpavṛkṣa tree in her garden; please protect us.”  


1306 sandamāy samayamāhic * camaya aimbūtamāhi *

 andamāy ādiyāhi * arumaṛai avaiyum ānāy! **

 mandamār poḻilhaḷ tōṛum * maḍamayil ālum nāṅgai *

 kandamār kāvaḷantaṇpāḍiyāy! * kaḷaikaṇ nīyē   

“O Kaṇṇa, one who resides eternally in fragrance-filled Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr which has many groves of mountain ebony trees where elegant peacocks dance. You are the creator of poetic meters, their rules, the five elements, and also the Vedas, and the end and the beginning of the universe; please protect us.”   


1307 * māvaḷam peruhi mannu * maṛaiyavar vāḻum * nāṅgaik

 kāvaḷampāḍi mēya * kaṇṇaṇaik kaliyan sonna **

 pāvaḷam pattum vallār * pār misai arasarāhi *

 kōviḷa mannar tāḻak * kuḍai niḻal polivar tāmē

“Those who can recite these meaningful ten songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār—about the Lord in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where many opulent Vedic brāhmaṇas live—will rule this world under one parasol, worshipped by all the kings and princes.”


[1] Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

1308 * kaṇṇār kaḍal pōl * tirumēni kariyāy! *

 naṇṇār munai * venṛi koḷvār mannu nāṅgūr **

 tiṇṇār madiḷ sūḻ * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ 

 aṇṇā! * aḍiyēn iḍaraik kaḷaiyāyē      

“O dark ocean-hued Lord, Kaṇṇā, one who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, surrounded by strong ramparts, in Tirunāṅgūr where victorious Vedic brāhmaṇas live![1] Please eliminate my miseries.”


1309 kondār tuḷava * malar koṇḍu aṇivānē! *

 nandāda perum pugaḻ * vediyar nāṅgūr **

 sentāmarai nīrt * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ 

endāy! * aḍiyēn iḍaraik kaḷaiyāyē     

“O Lord, one who is adorned with a thick garland of tulasī leaves! O my Lord who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, which has many lakes full of red lotus flowers, in Tirunāṅgūr where ever-glorious Vedic brāhmaṇas live! Please eliminate my miseries.”


1310 kunṛāl kuḷir māri * taḍuttu ugandānē! *

 nanṛāya perum pugaḻ * vēdiyar nāṅgūr **

 senṛār vaṇaṅgum * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ 

 ninṛāy! * neḍiyāy! aḍiyēn iḍar nīkkē    


1311 kānār kari kombadu * ositta kaḷiṛē! *

 nānā vahai * nallavar manniya nāṅgūr **

 tēnār poḻil sūḻ * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ 

 ānāy! * aḍiyēnukku aruḷ puriyāyē    

“O Lord powerful like an elephant, You broke the tusk of the demoniac and well-fed elephant! O elephant-like Lord who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, which is surrounded by groves full of flowers loaded with honey, in Tirunāṅgūr where very pious Vedic brāhmaṇas live! Please eliminate my miseries.”


 1312 * vēḍār tiruveṅkaṭam * mēya viḷakkē! *

 nāḍār pugaḻ * vediyar manniya nāṅgūr **

 sēḍār poḻil sūḻ * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattāy! *

 pāḍā varuvēn * vinai āyina pāṭṛē      

“O effulgent beacon on the Tiruveṅkaṭa Hills inhabited by hunters! O one who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, which is surrounded by many groves in Tirunāṅgūr where very meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas eternally live! I come to you singing (Your glories), please demolish my miseries.”


1313 kallāl kaḍalai * aṇai kaṭṭi ugandāy! *

 nallār palar * vediyar manniya nāṅgūrc **

 celvā! * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattu uṛaivānē! *

 ellā iḍarum * keḍumāṛu aruḷāyē      

“O Lord who built a bridge of rocks across the ocean! O Lord of all opulences who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam in Tirunāṅgūr where very meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas eternally live! Please eliminate my miseries.”


1314 kōlāl nirai mēytta * eṅgkōvalar kōvē! *

 nālāhiya * vediyar manniya nāṅgūr **

 sēlār vayal sūḻ * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ 

 mālē! * ena valvinai tīrttu aruḷāyē     

O Gopāla Kṛṣṇa who grazed the herds of cows wielding a stick! O my Lord who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, surrounded by lakes and fields full of fish, in Tirunāṅgūr where expert Vedic brāhmaṇas eternally live! Please eliminate my miseries.”


 1315 vārāham adāhi * immaṇṇai iḍandāy! *

 nārāyaṇaṇē! * nalla vediyar nāṅgūr **

 sīrār poḻil sūḻ * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattuḷ *

 ārāvamudē! * aḍiyēṛku aruḷāyē      

“O Nārāyaṇā, who appeared as Varāha to retrieve the earth from the depths of the muddy ocean! O my Lord, delectable like ambrosia, who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam, surrounded by groves, in Tirunāṅgūr where meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas live! Please be merciful to me.”


1316 pūvār tirumāmagaḷ * pulgiya mārbā! *

 nāvār pugaḻ * vediyar manniya nāṅgūrt **

 tevā! * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattu uṛaivānē! *

 āvā! aḍiyān * ivan enṛu aruḷāyē      

“O Lord on whose chest Śrī-Lakṣmī, born of lotus, resides eternally! O my Lord, who resides in Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam in Tirunāṅgūr where scholarly Vedic brāhmaṇas live! Thinking, ‘Alas! My servant is suffering,’ please take mercy on me.”


1317 * nal anbuḍai * vēdiyar manniya nāṅgūrc *

celvan * tiruveḷḷakkuḷattu uṛaivānai **

 kallin mali tōḷ * kaliyan sonna mālai *

 vallar ena vallavar * vānavar tāmē  

“Those who can recite these ten songs to the appreciation of scholars—rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār, who has shoulders stronger than a rock about the Lord in Tirukkāvaḷampāḍi in Tirunāṅgūr where many devoted Vedic brāhmaṇas live—will live in Vaikuṇṭha.”


[1] Tiruveḷḷakkuḷam: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

1318 * kavaḷa yānaik kombositta * kaṇṇan enṛum kāmaru sīrk *

 kuvaḷai mēgam anna mēni * koṇḍa kōn ennānai enṛum **

 tavaḷa māḍa nīḍu nāṅgait * tāmaraiyāḷ kēḷvan enṛum *

 pavaḷa vāyāḷ en maḍandai * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē  

Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār has rendered these ten songs in the words of the mother of Parakāla Nāyakī, about her meditation on the Lord in Pārttanpaḷḷi.[1]

“My daughter, with coral-like red lips, sings that her Lord is Kaṇṇan who broke the tusk of the well-fed, demoniac elephant; He is the Lord who has an adorable form which is dark-hued like the blue lotus or the fresh rain cloud; He is my elephant; He is the consort of Śrī-Lakṣmī and resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr which is vast with many white multi-storeyed palaces.”


1319 kañjan viṭṭa veñjinatta * kaḷiṛaḍartta kāḷai enṛum *

 vañjamēvi vanda pēyin * uyirai uṇḍa māyan enṛum **

 señjolāḷar nīḍu nāṅgait * tevadevan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 pañji anna mellaḍiyāḷ * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē   

“My daughter, with cotton-like soft feet, sings that her Lord is the youth who killed the demoniac elephant of Kaṁsa; He displays incredible activities like finishing the life of the evil intended demon Pūtanā; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr where scholarly brāhmaṇas live for a long time.”


1320 aṇḍar kōn ennānai enṛum * āyar mādar koṅgai pulgu

 seṇḍan enṛum * nānmaṛaihaḷ * tēḍi ōḍum selvan enṛum **

 vanḍulavu poḻil koḷ nāṅgai * mannum āyan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 paṇḍu pōlanṛu en maḍandai * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē  

“My daughter, who has changed nowadays, sings that her Lord is the Supreme Lord of all; He is my elephant; He is always embraced by the cowherd damsels with tender breasts; He is the Lord who is ever glorified by the Vedas; He displays incredible activities and eternally resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr full of gardens swarmed by bumblebees.”


1321 kollai ānāḷ parisu aḻindāḷ * kōl vaḷaiyār tam mugappē *

 mallai munnīr taṭṭilaṅgai * kaṭṭaḻitta māyan enṛum **

 selvam malgu maṛaiyōr nāṅgai * devadevan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 palvaḷaiyāḷ en maḍandai * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē   

“My daughter, whose hands have been decorated with many bangles has exceeded her limit unlike the other girls adorned with beautiful bangles; she lost her womanly esteem; she keeps singing that her Lord displays incredible activities like crossing the vast ocean, building a bridge on it, and destroying Laṅkā; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr where opulent Vedic brāhmaṇas live.”


1322 arakkar āvi māḷa anṛu * āḻkaḍal sūḻ ilaṅgai seṭṛa *

 kurakkarasan enṛum * kōlavilli enṛum ** māmadiyai

 nerukku māḍa nīḍu nāṅgai * ninmalan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 parakkaḻindāḷ en maḍandai * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē  

“My daughter has earned disrespect singing (without womanly shy) that her Lord is the master of the army of monkeys who annihilated the Rākṣasas and destroyed Laṅkā protected by the deep ocean; He wields a mighty bow; He is the purest who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr which is full of high raised palaces touching the sky and the moon.”


 1323 ñālamuṭṛum unḍu umiḻnda * nādan enṛum nānilam sūḻ *

 vēlai anna kōla mēni *  vaṇṇan enṛum mēl eḻundu **

 sēl ugaḷum vayal koḷ nāṅgait * tevadevan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 pālin nalla menmoḻiyāḷ * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē   

“My daughter, who speaks words sweeter than milk, sings that her Lord swallowed all the planetary systems and brought them out later; He has a beautiful form which is dark ocean-hued; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr which has fertile fields where swarms of carp fish frolic.”

 1324 nāḍi endan uḷḷam koṇḍa * nādan enṛum nānmaṛaihaḷ *

 tēḍi enṛum kāṇa māṭṭāc * celvan enṛum siṛai koḷ vaṇḍu **

 sēḍulavu poḻil koḷ nāṅgait * tevadevan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 pāḍagam sēr mellaḍiyāḷ * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē   

“My daughter, who has soft feet and is adorned with anklets, sings that her Lord came on His own and occupied her heart; He is the most adorable Lord who cannot be reached even by an in-depth study of the Vedas; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr which has groves swarmed by droves of bumblebees.”


1325 ulagam ēttum oruvan enṛum * oṇsuḍarōḍu umbar eydā *

 nilavum āḻip paḍaiyan enṛum * nēsan enṛum ** tentisaikkut

 tiladam anna maṛaiyōr nāṅgait * tevadevan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 palarum ēsa en maḍandai * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē   

“My daughter is ridiculed by many people for singing that her Lord is the one glorified in all the worlds; He wields the blazing disc weapon and even the effulgent moon and sun cannot come close to them; He is ever loving to His devotees; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr where meritorious Vedic brāhmaṇas who are like a tilaka to the eastern quarter.”


1326 kaṇṇan enṛum vānavarhaḷ * kādalittu malarhaḷ tūvum *

 eṇṇan enṛum inban enṛum * ēḻulagukku ādi enṛum **

 tiṇṇa māḍa nīḍu nāṅgait * tēvadēvan enṛenṛu ōdi *

 paṇṇin anna menmoḻiyāḷ * pārttanpaḷḷi pāḍuvāḷē  9

“My daughter, whose speech is like a melodious tune, sings that her Lord is Kaṇṇan who lives in the thoughts of the demigods who assemble and offer flowers to Him with devotion; He gives bliss and is the creator of all the planetary systems; He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in Pārttanpaḷḷi in Tirunāṅgūr where there are many strong and tall palaces.”


1327 * pāruḷ nalla maṛaiyōr nāṅgaip * pārttanpaḷḷic ceṅgaṇ mālai *

 vārkoḷ nalla mulai maḍavāḷ pāḍalai * tāy moḻinda māṭṛam **

 kūrkoḷ nalla vēl kaliyan * kūṛu tamiḻ pattum vallār *

 ērkoḷ nalla vaikuṇṭhattuḷ * inbam nāḷum eyduvārē  

“Those who can recite these ten Tamiḻ songs—sung by Parakāla Nāyakī with corseted breasts, and recounted by her mother, and rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār, who wields a sharp lance—about the Lord in Pārttanpaḷḷi will eternally live blissfully in Vaikuṇṭha.”


[1] Pārttanpaḷḷi: Divya Dēsam in Tirunāṅgūr, near Sīrkāḻi, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

1328 * nummait toḻudōm * nundam paṇi seydirukkum nummaḍiyōm * 

 immaikku inbam peṭṛōm * endāy! indaḷūrīrē! ** 

 emmaik kaḍidāk karumam aruḷi * āvā! enṛiraṅgi * 

 nammai orukāl kāṭṭi naḍandāl * nāṅgaḷ uyyōmē?   

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr![1] We worship You; we are Your devotees who are always engaged in devotional service to You; fortunately, in this birth, we are enjoying the bliss of Kṛṣṇa consciousness; please feel, ‘O poor souls!’ and take pity on us, engage us in Your personal service, and if You reveal Yourself to us just once, won’t we get spiritually elevated?”


1329 * sindai tannuḷ nīṅgādirunda tiruvē! * maruviniya

 maindā! * andaṇāli mālē! * sōlai maḻakaḷiṛē! **

 nandā viḷakkin suḍarē! * naṛaiyūr ninṛa nambī! *  en

 endāy! indaḷūrāy! * aḍiyēṛku iṛaiyum iraṅgāyē!   

“O precious Lord ever present in the heart! O ever youthful Lord! O Lord of the beautiful and cool Tiruvāli! O one like a calf elephant in Tirumāliruñjōlai! O eternally effulgent lamp! O the Supreme Absolute Lord of Nācchiyār Kōil! O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! Won’t You be merciful to me?”     


1330 pēsuhinṛadu iduvē * vaiyam īraḍiyāl aḷanda * 

 mūsi vaṇḍu muralum * kaṇṇi muḍiyīr! ** ummaik kāṇum

 āsai ennum * kaḍalil vīḻndu iṅgu ayarttōm *  ayalārum

 ēsuhinṛadu iduvē kāṇum * indaḷūrīrē!    

O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr adorned with a garland swarmed by the humming bees! (You are famous and glorified for Your incredible activities) You have measured all the planetary systems in just two steps; I have become mad with the desire to see You; all are ridiculing me on this desire; (if You don’t concede to my request) You will be blamed (for Your inability and lose Your fame and glory).”

 1331 āsai vaḻuvādēttum * emakkiṅgu iḻukkāyttu *  aḍiyōrkkut

 tēsamaṛiya * umakkē āḷāyt tirihinṛōmukku ** 

 kāsinoḷiyil tihaḻum vaṇṇam * kāṭṭīr emperumān! *

 vāsi vallīr! indaḷūrīr! * vāḻndē pōm nīrē    

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! Worshipping You uninterruptedly and with enthusiasm, I have earned ridicule only; though I am serving You with full dedication, which is known to the entire world, You are not revealing Your magnificent form which is far more shining than the gold coin! (It seems that) You are being partial (as You reveal Your form to Your eternal associates only and not to Your devotee like me)! Okay, be proud of Your form (don’t reveal it to me).” 


1332 tī emperumān nīr emperumān * tisaiyum iru nilanu

 māy *  emperumānāhi ninṛāl * aḍiyōm kāṇōmāl ** 

 tāy emperumān * tandai tandai āvīr *  aḍiyōmuk

 kē emperumān allīrō? nīr * indaḷūrīrē!     

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! (Though I know that) You are the fire, the water, the directions, the earth (and many other things) I don’t (really) see You; alas! You are my mother, master, father, and grandfather but You remain the incredible Lord (invisible to me); (kindly reveal Your original form to me).”   


1333 sollādu oḻiyakillēn * aṛinda sollil *  num aḍiyār

ellārōḍum okka * eṇṇi irundīr aḍiyēnai ** 

 nallār aṛivīr tīyār aṛivīr * namakku ivvulagattu * 

 ellām aṛivīr * īdē aṛiyīr indaḷūrīrē!    

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! I want to tell the truth. ‘You have equated me with Your other devotees; You know who is good or bad; You know all that’s happening, but You do not know my true feelings (that I cannot live even for a second without Your association)!’”


1334 māṭṭīrānīr paṇi nīr koḷḷa * emmaip paṇi aṛiyā

 vīṭṭīr *  idanai vēṛē sonnōm * indaḷūrīrē! ** 

 kāṭṭīrānīr * nundam aḍikkaḷ kāṭṭil * umakku inda 

 nāṭṭē vandu toṇḍarāna * nāṅgaḷ uyyōmē?    

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! You have made us realize the significance of devotional service but You do not want to engage us in Your service; but, please listen to the most important appeal I want to make! You have not revealed Your lotus feet; if You reveal them, won’t we, Your devotees in this material world, get uplifted in our spiritual life? (Please reveal).”


1335 munnai vaṇṇam pālin vaṇṇam * muḻudum nilai ninṛa * 

 pinnai vaṇṇam konḍal vaṇṇam * vaṇṇam eṇṇuṅgāl ** 

 ponnin vaṇṇam maṇiyin vaṇṇam * puraiyum tirumēni * 

 inna vaṇṇam enṛu kāṭṭīr * indaḷūrīrē!     

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! When I meditate on Your body hue, in Satya-yuga You took milk-white-hue, and in Kali-yuga You took Your original hue, the fresh rain cloud-hue; but, here You display golden-hue and blue sapphire gemstone-hue; kindly reveal to us the form to which this body hue is related.”  


1336 endai tandai tammān enṛenṛu * emar ēḻēḻ aḷavum * 

 vandu ninṛa toṇḍarōrkkē * vāsi vallīrāl ** 

 sindai tannuḷ mundi niṭṛir * siṛidum tirumēni * 

 inda vaṇṇam enṛu kāṭṭīr * indaḷūrīrē    

“O Lord of Tiru Indaḷūr! My father, his father, his father, and thus seven generations of my forefathers, and I have been Your servants; but, still, You ignore me; alas! You occupy my thoughts but, You do not reveal Your form and body hue at all.”  


1337 * ērār poḻil sūḻ * indaḷūril endai perumānai * 

 kārār puṛavin maṅgai vēndan * kaliyanoli seyda ** 

 sīrār in sol mālai * kaṭṛut tirivār ulagattil * 

 ārār avarē * amararkku enṛum amarar āvārē

“Those who can recite and spread everywhere this garland of ten sweet Tamiḻ songs—sung by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār, the chief of Tirumaṅgai which has many tall groves touching the clouds—about the Lord in Tiru Indaḷūr surrounded by lovely gardens will be respected even by the eternal associates of the Lord in Vaikuṇṭha.”


[1] Tiru Indaḷūr: Divya Dēsam near Mayilāḍuturai, Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

1338 * āycciyar aḻaippa veṇṇey uṇḍu orukāl * ālilai vaḷarnda emperumān *

 pēycciyai mulai uṇḍu iṇaimarudu iṛuttup * perunilam aḷandavan kōyil **

 kāytta nīḷ kamugum kadaliyum teṅgum * eṅgum mām poḻilhaḷin naḍuvē *

 vāytta nīr pāyum maṇṇiyin tenpāl * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The abode of the Lord—who stole and ate butter provoking all the cowherd women to go and complain (to Mother Yaśodā); who was reclining as a baby on a banyan leaf floating in the pralaya water; who sucked the milk and the life from the breast of Pūtanā; who brought down the twin arjuna trees; who measured all the planetary systems—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi on the south bank of the river Maṇṇiyāru which supplies copious water to the numerous groves where areca, plantain, and coconut trees are in plenty.”[1]  


1339 ānirai mēyttu anṛu alaikaḍal aḍaittiṭṭu * arakkar tam siraṅgaḷai uruṭṭi *                                                                                                                                                   

kār niṛai mēham kalandadōr uruvak * kaṇṇanār karudiya kōyil **

 pūniraic cerundi punnai muttarumbip * podumbiḍai varivaṇḍu miṇḍi *

 tēn iraittuṇḍu aṅgu innisai muralum * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The favourite abode of the Lord Kaṇṇan—who grazed herds of cows; who built a bridge across the stormy ocean and cut off the heads of the Rākṣasas; who has a charming form with rain cloud hue—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi where in the holes of the rows of Cobra’s  Saffron trees  and Mastwood trees with pearl-like buds, swarms of bumblebees stay and hum merrily after feasting on the nectar.”


1340 kaḍu viḍam uḍaiya kāḷiyan taḍattaik * kalakki mun alakkaḻittu * avan tan

 paḍamiṛap pāyndu pal maṇi sindap * pal naḍam payinṛavan kōyil **

 paḍavaravalgul pāvai nallārhaḷ * payiṭṛiya nāḍahattu oli pōy *

 aḍai puḍai taḻuvi aṇḍam ninṛu adirum * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē      

“The favourite abode of the Lord—who agitated the lake which was polluted by the virulent poison of the serpent Kāliya; who jumped very hard on his hoods, harassed him, and danced on the hoods spilling the gems—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi where the sound of the play practised by the beautiful damsels with thin waist, shaped like the hood of a cobra, reverberated all around and in the sky even.”     


1341 kaṛavai mun kāttuk kañjanaik kāynda * kāḷamēgat tiru uruvan *

 paṛavai munnuyarttup pāṛkaḍal tuyinṛa * paramanār paḷḷikoḷ kōyil **

 tuṛai tuṛai tōṛum ponmaṇi sidaṛum * togutirai maṇṇiyin tenpāl *

 seṛimaṇi māḍak koḍi kadir aṇavum * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The favourite abode of the Supreme Lord in a reclining position—who protected the cows (from the torrential rains); who finished the life of Kaṁsa; whose body is rain cloud-hued; who has Garuḍa on His flag; who reclines in the Ocean of Milk—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi—on the southern bank of the gushing river Maṇṇiyāru which dumps gold, and gems in all the bathing ghats—where the flags on top of the tall palaces, which are paved with gems, touch the sun globe.”  


1342 pārinai uṇḍu pārinai umiḻndu * bhāratam kai eṛindu * orukāl

 tērinai ūrndu tērinait turanda * seṅgaṇmāl senṛu uṛai kōyil **

 ērnirai vayaḷuḷ vāḷaihaḷ maṛugi * emakkiḍam anṛu idenṛu eṇṇi *

 sīrmali poygai senṛu aṇaihinṛa * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The eternal abode of Lord Puṇḍarīkākṣa—who swallowed the planetary systems (during pralaya) and brought them out again; who orchestrated the Mahābhārata war; who became the chariot driver (of Arjuna) and the destroyer of the enemy chariots—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi—where the beltfish in the paddy fields, which are ploughed by rows of farmers, get afraid of their safety and swim away to the safety of large lakes.”  


1343 kāṭṛiḍaip pūḷai karandana arandai uṛak * kaḍal arakkar tam sēnai *

 kūṭṛiḍaic cellak koḍuṅgaṇai turanda * kōlavilli irāman tan kōyil **

 ūṭṛiḍai ninṛa vāḻaiyin kanihaḷ * ūḻttu vīḻndana uṇḍu maṇḍi *

 sēṭṛiḍaik kayalhaḷ ugaḷ tigaḻ vayal sūḻ * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The eternal abode of Lord Rāma, the wielder of a mighty bow—who shot sharp arrows and harassed and scattered the massive army of Rākṣasas and sent them to Yama like the wind scatters and blows away the mountain knotgrass flowers[2]—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi which is surrounded by paddy fields in which the carp fish, after feasting on the ripe bananas which fall from the adjacent plantain trees, jump and frolic in the slushy mud.”


1344 ōḷḷiya karumam seyvan enṛu uṇarnda māvali vēḷviyil pukku *

 teḷḷiya kuṛaḷāy mūvaḍi koṇḍu * tikkuṛa vaḷarndavan kōyil **

 aḷḷiyam poḻilvāy irundu vāḻ kuyilhaḷ * ari ari enṛavai aḻaippa *

 veḷḷiyār vaṇaṅga viraindu aruḷ seyvān * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē      

“The eternal abode of the Lord—who went as an effulgent dwarf brāhmaṇa to the sacrifice of Mahā Bali, who took a vow to offer whatever one desired, begged three steps of land, and expanded covering all the directions—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi where in the beautiful groves with the earth covered by pollen dust the merry koels keep shouting ‘Hari!’ ‘Hari!’ and where the Lord showered His mercy on the planet Śukra who came there to worship Him.” 


1345 muḍi uḍai amararkku iḍar seyum * asurar tam perumānai * anṛu ariyāy

 maḍi iḍai vaittu mārvai mun kīṇḍa * māyanār manniya kōyil **

 paḍi iḍai māḍattu aḍiyiḍait tūṇil * paditta pan maṇihaḷin oḷiyāl *

 viḍi pagal iravenṛu aṛivaridāya * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē     

“The favourite abode of the Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva—who held Hiraṇyakaśipu, the king of the asuras who were tormenting the demigods, on His lap and killed him by cleaving his chest open—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi where due to the bright light emitted by the various gems  embedded in the pillars of the tall palaces, it would be difficult to differentiate between the early morning or day or night.”  


1346 kuḍi kuḍiyāhak kūḍi ninṛu amarar * guṇaṅgaḷē pidaṭṛi ninṛētta *

 aḍiyavarkku aruḷi aravaṇait tuyinṛa * āḻiyān amarndu uṛai kōyil **

 kaḍi uḍaik kamalam aḍi iḍai malarak * karumboḍu peruñjennel alaiya *

 vaḍivuḍai annam peḍaiyoḍum sērum * vayal veḷḷiyaṅguḍi aduvē

“The favourite abode of the Lord reclining on the serpent bed—whose unlimited auspicious qualities are praised by Brahmā and the other demigods and their families—is Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi where fragrant lotus flowers bloom under the shade of sugarcane plants and paddy crops; the sugarcane plants and paddy crops sway due to the wind; and the elegant male swans enjoy with their female partners in the fields.”         


1347 * paṇḍu mun ēnamāhi anṛorukāl * pār iḍandu eyiṭṛinil koṇḍu *

 teṇtirai varuḍap pāṛkaḍal tuyinṛa * tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍiyānai **

 vaṇḍaṛai sōlai maṅgaiyar talaivan * mānavēl kaliyan vāy olihaḷ *

 koṇḍivai pāḍum tavam uḍaiyārhaḷ * āḷvar ikkurai kaḍal ulagē          

“Those who are fortunate to recite and spread everywhere these ten sweet songs—sung by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār, the wielder of a valiant spear, and the chief of Tirumaṅgai which has many groves swarmed by humming bees—about the Lord in Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi who once as a boar incarnation picked up the earth with His horn from the depths of the ocean; who reclines in the Milk Ocean with His lotus feet gently touched by the waves, will rule this world surrounded by the oceans.”


[1] Tiruveḷḷiyaṅguḍi: : Divya Dēsam located in Thiruvidaimarudur taluka of Tanjore district, Tamiḻ Nāḍu

[2] Mountain knotgrass flowers: Aerva lanata, a common weed which grows wild everywhere in the plains of India.