4000 divya prabandham in english pdf lyrics with meaning

Tiruppāṇāḻvār - Amalanādipirān

Read and relish : Tiruppāṇāḻvār - Amalanādipirān

āpāḍacūḍamanubhūya harim sayānam

    maḍhyē kavēraḍuhitur muḍitāntarātmā |

  aḍraṣṭrutām nayanayōr viṣayāntarāṇām

    yō niścikāya manavai munivāhanam tam ||

“Let my mind worship Tiruppāṇāḻvār (Munivāhana) (who was carried to the inner sanctum of the temple of the Lord Śrī Raṅgan by Lokasāraṅga muni on his shoulders), whose soul became enraptured at the sight of the reclining Lord Hari, in the temple encircled by the river Kāverī, and who, having experienced the vision of the Lord from the lotus feet to His head, declared that his eyes would not see any other object (except the Lord).”

  kāṭṭavē kaṇḍa pāda kamalam nallāḍai undi *

  tēṭṭarum udara bandham tirumārbu kaṇḍam sevvāy *

  vāṭṭamil kaṇgaḷ mēni muniyēṛit tani pugundu *

  pāṭṭināl kaṇḍu vāḻum pāṇar tāḷ paravinōmē

“Let us sing the praise of the holy feet of Tiruppāṇāḻvār, who (entered the holy shrine of Lord Śrī Raṅgan riding on the shoulders of Lokasāraṅga muni) saw (the Lord from His toe to head) and sung (in praise of) Him, limb by limb, as the Lord showed to him—the lotus feet, the silk garment, the navel, the waistband of rare excellence, the holy chest, the neck, the red mouth (with rosy lips), the ever-effulgent eyes, and the whole divine form.”

927  * amalanādipirān * aḍiyārkku ennai āṭpaḍutta

  vimalan * viṇṇavar kōn * viraiyār poḻil veṅkaṭavan **

  nimalan ninmalan nīti vānavan * nīḷ madiḷ araṅgattammān * tiruk

  kamala pādam vandu * en kaṇṇinuḷḷana okkinṛadē   

“The Lord who is pure, the original cause, the benefactor, has mercifully made me a servant of His pure devotees. He is glorious, the head of the demigods; resides in the Veṅkaṭa Hills full of fragrant groves; is very merciful to His devotees and ignores their mistakes, and is the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha where there is no anxiety. The lotus feet of that Lord Śrī Raṅgan, reclining in the Śrīraṅgam temple surrounded by tall ramparts, have entered and permanently occupied my eyes.”   


928  uvanda uḷḷattanāy * ulagam aḷandu aṇḍamuṛa *

  nivanda nīḷ muḍiyan * anṛu nērnda nicāsararai **

  kavarnda veṅgaṇaik kākuttan * kaḍiyār poḻil araṅgattammān * araic 

  sivanda āḍaiyin mēl * senṛadām ena sindanaiyē    

“The Lord expanded and measured the planetary systems with a delightful heart and His large crown reaching the limit of the cosmic creation; He, as Rāma, killed all the Rākṣasas, with His deadly arrows. My conscience is fixed on the red silk garments adorning that Lord who is reclining in the Śrīraṅgam temple surrounded by fragrant gardens.”   


929  * mandi pāy * vaḍa veṅkaṭa māmalai * vānavarhaḷ

  sandi seyya ninṛān * araṅgattu aravinaṇaiyān **

  andi pōl niṛattāḍaiyum * adan mēl ayanaip paḍaittadōr eḻil *

  undi mēl adanṛō * aḍiyēn uḷḷattu innuyirē      

“The divine form that is etched in my mind is – the Lord who stands and is worshipped with flowers by the demigods in the temple of Veṅkaṭa Hills where plenty of monkeys frolic; and who, in the temple of Śrīraṅgam, reclines on the bed of Śeṣa Nāga adorned with silk garments of red color like the sky, displaying His exquisitely elegant navel, the birthplace of Brahmā.”       

930  catura māmadiḷ sūḻ ilaṅgaikkiṛaivan * ṭalai pattu

  udira ōṭṭi * ōrveṅgaṇai uyttavan * ōdavaṇṇan **

  madhuramā vaṇḍu pāḍa * māmayil āḍaraṅgattammān * tiruvayiṭṛṛu

  udara bandham * en uḷḷattuḷ ninṛu ulāginṛadē    

“The jewel ‘udarabandham,’ decorating the navel of the Lord—who (as Rāma) humiliated and with sharp arrows felled the ten heads of Rāvaṇa, the chief of Laṅkā which was protected by a square fortification; who is ocean-hued and resides in the temple of Śrīraṅgam where elegant peacocks dance merrily—is eternally fixed in my heart.”    


931  bāramāya * paḻa vinai paṭṛṛaṛuttu * ennait tan

  vāramākki vaittān * vaittatanṛi ennuḷ pugundān **

  gōramā tavam seydanan kol aṛiyēn * araṅgattammān * tiru

  āra mārbadanṛō * aḍiyēnai āṭkōnḍadē        

“The Lord of Śrīraṅgam not only nullified my heavy burden of past sinful reactions and transformed me as His loving servant but also entered into my heart; I do not know if I had performed any severe penance (in my previous life to obtain His mercy); in fact, His chest, decorated by Śrī Lakṣmī and the Kaustubha jewel, has captivated me.”  


932  tuṇḍaveṇ piṛaiyan * tuyar tīrttavan * añjiṛaiya

  vaṇḍu vāḻ poḻil sūḻ * araṅga nagar mēya appan **

  aṇḍaraṇḍa bagiraṇḍattu * oru mānilam eḻumāl varai * muṭṛṛum

  uṇḍa kaṇṭham kaṇḍīr * aḍiyēnai uyyak koṇḍadē    

“The neck of the Lord Śrī Raṅgan—who relieved the distress of Śiva (when Śiva cut off one of the five heads of Brahmā, the skull stuck to his palm) on whose matted hair the crescent moon resides; who resides in the temple of Śrīraṅgam surrounded by gardens swarmed by droves of bumblebees, and who swallowed the worlds, universes, the planetary systems, the seven mountains, and everything else untold—liberated this servant.”    


933  kaiyinār * curi saṅgu anal āḻiyar * nīḷ varai pōl

  meyyanār * tuḷaba viraiyār kamaḻ * nīḷ muḍi em

  aiyanār ** aṇi araṅganār * aravinaṇai misai mēya māyanār *

  seyya vāy aiyō * ennaic sindai kavarndaduvē     

“Oh, the reddish mouth of the mystic Lord Śrī Raṅgan—who wields the conch and the fiery disc; whose body is mountainous and the long hair, adorned with a garland of tulasī leaves, is very fragrant; my Lord, whose activities are incredible and who is reclining on the soft bed of Śeṣa Nāga in the beautiful city of Śrīraṅgam—has enchanted my heart.”  


934  pariyanāgi vanda * avuṇan uḍal kīṇḍa * amararkku

  ariya ādippirān * araṅgattu amalan mugattu **

  kariyavāhip puḍai parandu * miḷirndu sevvariyōḍi * nīṇḍa ap

  periyavāya kaṇgaḷ * ennaip pēdaimai seydanavē    

“The big, black, effulgent, red-streaked, and the glorious eyes of the Lord of Śrīraṅgam—who in an awe-inspiring form (of half lion and half man) tore off the body of the demon Hiraṇyakaśipu; who is not attainable even by Brahmā and other demigods; the original cause of all causes; the benefactor, and the pure one—have maddened me.”    


935  * ālamā marattin ilai mēl * oru bālaganāy *

  ñālam ēḻum uṇḍān * araṅgattu aravinaṇaiyān **

  kōlamā maṇi āramum * muttut tāmamum muḍivilladōr eḻil *

  nīla mēni aiyō * niṛai koṇḍadu en neñjinaiyē    

“The charming dark blue-hued body—which is adorned with many jewels like the pearl necklace and the necklace made of magnificent and invaluable gemstones—of the Lord of Śrīraṅgam who reclines on the bed of Śeṣa Nāga and who rested on the banyan leaf as a baby after swallowing the seven planetary systems has robbed me of my calm. Oh what can I do?”   


936  * koṇḍal vaṇṇanaik * kōvalanāy veṇṇey

  uṇḍa vāyan * en uḷḷam kavarndānai **

  aṇḍar kōn aṇi araṅgan * en amudinaik

  kaṇḍa kaṇgaḷ * maṭṛṛonṛinaik kāṇāvē

“Having worshipped the enchanting form of the Lord who reclines in the divine city of Śrīraṅgam—who is dark raincloud-hued; the son of Nanda Mahārāja who has the charming mouth which swallowed butter; my nectarean Lord who stole my heart, and is the master of the demigods—my eyes will not look at anything else.”           





Tiruppāṇāḻvār tiruvaḍigaḷē śaraṇam