Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār - Tiruneḍuntāṇḍaham

2052 * minnuruvāy munnuruvil vedam nāngāy * viḷakkoḷiyāy muḷaitteḻunda tiṅgaḷ tānāy *

 pinnuruvāy munnuruvil piṇi mūppu illāp * piṛappiliyāy iṛappadaṛkē eṇṇādu ** eṇṇum

 ponnuruvāy maṇi uruvil bhūtam aindāyp * punal uruvāy anal uruvil tigaḻum sōdi *

tannuruvāy ennuruvil ninṛa endai * taḷir puraiyum tiruvaḍi en talai mēlavē                                        

“What a wonder! The tender sprout-like lotus feet of the Lord—who showed (the temporary nature of) sparkling light in the material things we see; who is the four Vedas; who is light (that removes the darkness of ignorance); who is (giver of knowledge which is bright-like) the rising moon; who is jīvātma (the twenty-fifth element); who is the master of jīvātma that has no birth, death, old age, and disease like the material body; who will not even think of awarding kaivalya – mokṣa to His devotees; who has a dazzling form; who is the pañcopaniṣad; who is benevolent like water; who is in the untouchable form of fire; who is brahma-jyotir; who is in my heart as Paramātmā and who is my father—are on my head.”      


2053 pāruruvil nīr eri kāl visumbumāhip * pal vēṛu samayamumāyp parandu ninṛa *

 ēruruvil mūvarumē enna ninṛa * imaiyavar tam tiruvuru vēṛeṇṇum pōdu **

 ōruruvam ponnuruvam onṛu sentī * onṛu mākaḍal uruvam ottu ninṛa *

 mūvuruvum kaṇḍa pōdu onṛām sōdi * mugil uruvam em aḍigaḷ uruvantānē    

“In this beautiful material world, it is known that the three gods (Tri-mūrti: Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva) are the most important forms; when their forms are analysed, it is seen that Brahmā is in golden hue; Śiva is in reddish hue like the fire; and Viṣṇu is in dark ocean-hue; on analysing further, it is seen that the dark ocean-hued Lord—who has created the five elements – the hard earth, water, fire, air, and sky; who has created the earth with various religions; who has permeated the earth as Paramātmā; who is glorified as brahma-jyotir; and who is non-dual i.e. the Supreme with no one equal to Him—is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”           


2054 tiruvaḍivil karuneḍumāl sēyan enṛum * tirēdaikkaṇ vaḷai uruvāyt tihaḻndān enṛum *

 peruvaḍivil kaḍal amudam koṇḍa kālam * perumānaik karunīla vaṇṇan tannai **

 oru vaḍivattu ōr uruvenṛu uṇaralāhā * ūḻitōṛūḻi ninṛēttal allāl *

 karuvaḍivil seṅgkaṇṇa vaṇṇan tannaik * kaṭṭuraiyē yār oruvar kāṇgiṛpārē?     

“The beautiful rain-cloud-hued Lord appears in different forms and body hues in different yugas—the boar form, in Kṛta-yuga He appeared in white hue like the conch, in Tretā-yuga in reddish-hue, and Dvāpara-yuga in black-hue—and it is not possible to understand his form or colour; all we can do is to just glorify Him always. O my heart! Please tell is it possible really for anyone to see the dark-hued and reddish-eyed Lord on his own effort?”   


2055 indiraṛkum piramaṛkum mudalvan tannai * irunilam kāl tī nīr viṇ bhutam aindāy *

 sentiṛatta tamiḻōsai vaḍa sollāhit * tisai nāngumāyt tiṅgaḷ ñāyiṛāhi **

 andarattil devarkkum aṛiyalāhā andaṇanai * andaṇar māṭṭu andi vaitta

 mandirattai * mandirattāl maṛavādu enṛum * vāḻudiyēl vāḻalām maḍa neñjamē!    

“O heart! If you chant incessantly the glories of the Lord—who is the creator of Indra and Brahmā; who became and is the master of the vast earth, air, fire, water, and sky; who is glorified in pure Tamiḻ Divya Prabandhams and also in Sanskrit ślokas; who is the Paramātmā of the things in all the four directions; who is the creator of the moon and the sun; who, though present in all the things, is the pure form not understood by the demigods even; and who is the Absolute Truth revealed in Vedānta—You can remain delivered forever.”  


2056 oṇmidiyil punaluruvi orukāl niṛpa * orukālum kāmarusīr avuṇan uḷḷattu *

 eṇmadiyum kaḍandu aṇḍa mīdu pōhi * iruvisumbinūḍu pōy eḻundu ** mēlait

 taṇmadiyum kadiravanum tavira ōḍit * tāragaiyin puṛam taḍavi appāl mikku *

 maṇ muḻudum agappaḍuttu ninṛa endai * malar puraiyum tiruvaḍiyē vaṇaṅginēnē    

“I worshipped the lotus feet of the Lord who stretched one leg up to the Garbhodaka ocean, and the second leg—beyond the imagination of the most fortunate Bali—beyond the planetary systems, crossing the solar system, the cool lunar system, the stars, and reaching the brahmaloka, and thus securing all the fourteen planetary systems.”    


2057 alam purinda neḍuntaḍakkai amarar vēndan * añjiṛaip puḷ tanip pāgan avuṇarkku enṛum *

 calam purindu aṅgaruḷ illāt tanmaiyāḷan * tān uganda ūrellām tan tāḷ pāḍi **

nilam parandu varum kaluḻip peṇṇai īrtta * neḍuvēyhaḷ paḍumutta munda undi *

 pulam parandu pon viḷaikkum poygai vēlip * pūṅgkōvalūr toḻudum pōdu neñjē!    

“O heart! Come, let us visit the favourite holy abodes singing the glories of the lotus feet of the Lord—who has long arms which are very benevolent (in giving benefits to the devotees); who is the chief of nitya-muktas; who is carried by Garuḍa who has beautiful wings; who is unfavourable always and merciless to those with asuric nature—and worship also Tirukkōvalūr which is surrounded by rich water bodies and where the gushing and flooding river Peṇṇai which brings the pearls grown from the large bamboo plants and dumps in the fields which produce abundant grains and from where the farmers further push away the pearls as weeds.”       


2058 vaṛpuḍaiya varai neḍuntōḷ mannar māḷa * vaḍivāya maḻuvēndi ulagam āṇḍu *

 veṛpuḍaiya neḍuṅgaḍaluḷ tanivēl uytta * vēḷ mudalā venṛānūr vindai mēya **

 kaṛpuḍaiya maḍakkanni kāval pūṇḍa * kaḍipoḻil sūḻ neḍumaṛugil kamala vēli *

 poṛpuḍaiya malai araiyan paṇiya ninṛa * pūṅgkōvalūr toḻudum pōdu neñjē!   

“O heart! Come, let us worship Tirukkōvalūr, the abode of the Lord who wielded the mighty axe (as Parasurāma) and eliminated (twenty-one generations of) kings with powerful shoulders; who ruled the world (as Rāma); and who (as Kṛṣṇa) defeated many demigods like Kārtikeya who threw his matchless spear on the Maināka mountain (hiding in the deep ocean); which (Tirukkōvalūr) is guarded by chaste Durgā who was undergoing penance in Vindhya mountain range; and which (Tirukkōvalūr) has broad streets, is surrounded by fragrant groves and lotus ponds and was ruled by powerful king called Malai Araiyan.”   


2059 * nīragattāy! neḍuvaraiyin ucci mēlāy! * nilāttiṅgaḷ tuṇḍattāy! niṛainda kacci

 ūragattāy * oṇtuṛai nīr veqkā uḷḷāy! * uḷḷuvār uḷḷattāy! ** ulagam ēttum

 kāragattāy! kārvānattuḷḷāy! kaḷvā! * kāmaru pūṅgāviriyin tenpāl mannu

 pēragattāy! * pērādu en neñjin uḷḷāy! * perumān! un tiruvaḍiyē pēṇinēnē     

“O Lord in Nīragam, on top of Tiruveṅkaṭa Hills, in Nilāttiṅgaḷ Tuṇḍam, in Tiruūragam in opulent Kāncipuram, in a reclining position on the bank of a lake in Tiruveqkā, in the heart of one who meditates on You, in Tirukkāragam worshipped all over the world, in Tirukkārvānam; o thief! One who resides in Tiruppēr Nagar on the southern side of the favourite and beautiful river Kāverī! One who resides in my heart without leaving! O Supreme Lord! I desire Your lotus feet only.”      


2060 vaṅgattāl māmaṇi vandu undu munnīr mallaiyāy! * madiḷ kacci ūrāy! pērāy! *

 koṅgattār vaḷaṅgkonṛai alaṅgal mārvan * kula varaiyan maḍappāvai iḍappāl koṇḍān **

 paṅgattāy! pāṛkaḍalāy! pārin mēlāy! * pani varaiyin ucciyāy! pavaḷa vaṇṇā! *

 eṅguṭṛāy? emperumān! unnai nāḍi * ēḻaiyēn iṅṅanamē uḻi taruhēnē!    

“O Lord who resides in Tirukkaḍal Mallai, on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, where valuable gemstones are dumped! One who resides in fortified Tirukkacci (Tiruveqkā)! O Lord of Tiruppēr! One whose chest is adorned with a garland of honey-rich fresh flowers of Indian laburnum! On whose right side is Śiva who keeps Pārvatī, the daughter of king Parvata on his left side! Who reclines in the Ocean of Milk! Who appeared (as Rāma and Kṛṣṇa) in this world! Who is on the cool Veṅkaṭa Hills! Where are You? One who has reddish lips like coral! My Lord! I, this miserable person, am roaming around looking for You.”     


2061 ponnānāy! poḻil ēḻum kāval pūṇḍa * pugaḻānāy! igaḻvāya toṇḍanēn nān *

 ennānāy! ennānāy! ennal allāl * en aṛivan ēḻaiyēn? ** ulagam ēttum

 tennānāy! vaḍavānāy! kuḍapālānāy! * guṇapāla mada yānāy! imaiyōrkku enṛum

 munnānāy! * pinnānār vaṇaṅgum sōdi! * tirumūḻikkaḷattānāy! mudalānāyē!   

“O elephant-like Lord of (south) Tentirumāliruñjōlai worshipped all over the world! O elephant-like Lord of (north) Vaḍatiruveṅkaṭa Hills! O elephant-like Lord of (west) Śrīraṅgam! O elephant-in-musth-like Lord of (east) Tirukkaṇṇapuram! One who is eternally worshipped by the nitya-muktas! Who resides effulgently in abodes like Tirumūḻikkaḷam for being worshipped by the people who are born after the appearance of incarnation! The Supreme Personality of Godhead! O golden Lord! One who is eulogised for protecting the seven planetary systems! I, this lowly devotee, does not know anything more than chanting, ‘My elephant!’ ‘My elephant!’”       


2062 paṭṭuḍukkum ayarttiraṅgum pāvai pēṇāḷ * pani neḍuṅgaṇ nīr tadumbap paḷḷi koḷḷāḷ *

 en tuṇaip pōdu en kuḍaṅgāl irukkahillāḷ * emperumān tiruvaraṅgam eṅgē? ennum **

 maṭṭuvikki maṇi vaṇḍu muralum kūndal * maḍamānai idu seydār tammai * meyyē

 kaṭṭuvicci sol ennac connāḷ naṅgāy! * kaḍal vaṇṇar idu seydār kāppār ārē?    

In the next ten songs, Parakāla Nāyakī’s mother laments to her friends.

“O ladies! (My daughter) She wears nice silk sarees (to attract the attention of the Lord) and then (since the Lord doesn’t come) gets dejected and starts lamenting; when I give her the wooden doll (she normally plays with) she rejects it angrily; her eyes are filled with tears; she doesn’t sleep; she doesn’t want to lie down on my lap (which she used to like very much); she keeps asking, ‘Where is the Lord’s Śrīraṅgam?’ When I asked a fortune teller who is responsible for this pitiable condition of this dow-like girl with hair swarmed by bees, she replied, ‘The dark ocean-hued Lord is responsible.’ Now, who can relieve her distress?”      


2063 neñjuruhik kaṇ panippa niṛkum sōrum * neḍiduyirkkum uṇḍaṛiyāḷ uṛakkam pēṇāḷ *

 nañjaravil tuyil amarnda nambī! ennum * vambār pūm vayalāli maindā! ennum **

 añjiṛaiya puṭkoḍiyē āḍum pāḍum * aṇi araṅgam āḍudumō? tōḻī! ennum *

 en ciṛahin kīḻ aḍaṅgāp peṇṇaip peṭṛēn * irunilattu ōr paḻi paḍaittēn ē! pāvamē!   

“She is crying her heart out; she laments; she sighs; she is not eating; she doesn’t want to sleep; she cries, ‘O Lord who reclines on Śeṣa Nāga!’ or ‘O eternally young man from Tiruvāli which is surrounded by fields full of fragrant flowers!’ She dances glorifying Garuḍa who is on the flag of the Lord; she sings; she asks, ‘O my friend, will we be fortunate to dance in Śrīraṅgam?’ Alas! I have earned disrepute on this vast earth because of my disobedient daughter.”   


2064 kal eḍuttuk kalmāri kāttāy! enṛum * kāmaru pūṅgacci ūragattāy! enṛum *

 vil iṛuttu melliyal tōḷ tōyndāy! enṛum * veqkāvil tuyil amarnda vēndē! enṛum **

 mal aḍarttu mallarai anṛu aṭṭāy! enṛum * mā kīṇḍa kaittalattu en maindā! enṛum *

 sol eḍuttut tan kiḷiyaic collē enṛu * tuṇai mulai mēl tuḷi sōrac cōrhinṛāḷē!   

The mother picks up the pet parrot neglected by her daughter and asks it to repeat the pastimes and holy names of the Lord taught by her daughter: “O Lord who protected (the cows) from the hailstorm by holding up Govardhana Hills! One who is in a standing position in Tiruūragam in the most desired and beautiful city of Kāncīpuram! O youthful Lord who has the arms with which You split the mouth of the horse demon! One who broke a bow and embraced the slim-waisted lady Sītā! O king who reclines Tiruveqkā! One who defeated and killed the wrestlers! (When the parrot started to repeat, my daughter) She became sad and started shedding tears wetting her breasts.”   


2065 muḷaik kadiraik kuṛuṅguḍiyuḷ muhilai * mūvā mūvulagum kaḍandu appāl mudalāy ninṛa *

 aḷappariya āramudai araṅgam mēya andaṇanai * andaṇar tam sindaiyānai **

 viḷakkoḷiyai maradagattait tiruttaṇkāvil * veqkāvil tirumālaip pāḍak kēṭṭu *

 vaḷarttadanāl payan peṭṛēn varuga enṛu * maḍak kiḷiyaik kai kūppi vaṇaṅgināḷē

(The parrot starts repeating the glories of the Lord). “Dazzling sun-like Lord! Rain-cloud-hued Lord in Tirukkuṛuṅguḍi! The Lord of Vaikuṇṭha which is beyond the three planetary systems (upper, middle, and lower)! One who is unlimited! One who is very sweet like ambrosia! The pure Lord in Śrīraṅgam! One who resides in the hearts of the devotees! The Lord who is the illuminating light in Tiruttaṇkā! One who is in the most desirable emerald-hued form! The consort of mother Lakṣmī who resides in Tiruveqkā! On hearing the parrot reciting the glories of the Lord, my daughter told it, ‘I attained the benefit of bringing you up! Come here,’ and paid obeisance to it.”             


2066 kal uyarnda neḍumadiḷ sūḻ kacci mēya kaḷiṛu enṛum * kaḍal kiḍanda kaniyē! enṛum *

 alliyam pūmalarp poygaip paḻanavēli * aṇiyaḻundūr ninṛu uganda ammān! enṛum **

 sol uyarnda neḍuvīṇai mulai mēl tāṅgit * tūmuṛuval nagai iṛaiyē tōnṛanakku *

 melviralhaḷ sivappu eydat taḍavi āṅgē * menkiḷi pōl miha miḻaṭṛum en pēdaiyē    

“My innocent daughter held the vīṇā close to her breasts, started playing it with her soft fingers, smiling brightly with the teeth slightly visible, and sang sweetly like a parrot: The elephant-like Lord who resides in Kāncīpuram surrounded by high ramparts of stone! A ripened fruit-like Lord reclining in Milk Ocean! O Lord who stands happily in the beautiful Tiruvaḻundūr surrounded by lakes and ponds full of fragrant flowers!”      


2067 * kanṛu mēyttu inidu uhanda kāḷāy! enṛum * kaḍipoḻil sūḻ kaṇapurattu en kaniyē! enṛum *

 manṛamarak kūttāḍi magiḻndāy! enṛum * vaḍatiruveṅkaṭam mēya maindā! enṛum **

 venṛasurar kulam kaḷainda vēndē! enṛum * viripoḻil sūḻ tirunaṛaiyūr ninṛāy! enṛum *

 tunṛu kuḻal karuniṛattu en tuṇaiyē! enṛum * tuṇai mulai mēl tuḷi sōrac cōrhinṛāḷē!   

The mother laments that she keeps talking about the glories of the Lord. “O bull who enjoys grazing the calves! My sweet fruit in Tirukkaṇṇapuram surrounded by fragrant groves! One who relishes dancing with the pots in the street! O youth who resides in Tiruveṅkaṭa Hills! O king who defeated and annihilated the asuras! One who stands in Tirunaṛaiyūr surrounded by vast groves! O my lover who has dense curly hair and is dark-hued! Then she starts crying wetting her breasts and slumps down.”        


2068 poṅgār melliḷam koṅgai ponnē pūppap * porukayal kaṇ nīr arumbap pōndu ninṛu *

 seṅgāla maḍap puṛavam peḍaikkup pēsum * siṛu kuralukku uḍal uruhic cindittu ** āṅgē

 taṇkālum taṇkuḍandai nagarum pāḍit * taṇkōvalūr pāḍi āḍak kēṭṭu *

 naṅgāy! naṅgkuḍikku iduvō nanmai? enna * naṛaiyūrum pāḍuvāḷ navilhinṛāḷē    

The mother continues. “Her young, big, and soft breasts and the body have become pale; the eyes resembling the fighting twin grey mullet fish are brimming with tears; when she goes out, she listens to the male pigeons’ loving talks to the hens, her body wilts and she is reminded of her lover; then, she starts singing about Tiruttaṇkā, Tirukkuḍandai, and the cool Tirukkōvalūr and dances; when I go and ask her, ‘My girl! Are these singing and dancing befitting our family?’ she starts singing about Tirunaṛaiyūr too.”    


2069 kārvaṇṇam tirumēni kaṇṇum vāyum * kaittalamum aḍiyiṇaiyum kamala vaṇṇam *

 pārvaṇṇa maḍamaṅgai pattar * pittar panimalar mēl pāvaikkup pāvam seydēn **

 ēr vaṇṇa en pēdai en sol kēḷāḷ * emperumān tiruvaraṅgam eṅgē? ennum *

 nīrvaṇṇan nīrmalaikkē pōvēn ennum * iduvanṛō niṛaivaḻindār niṛkumāṛē!   

“The beautiful daughter of this sinful me does not listen to me any more; she says His body is rain-cloud-hued; His eyes, mouth, hands, and feet are lotus-hued; He is devoted to His consort Bhū-devī (and ignores me); He is mad after Śrī-devī born on a cool red lotus (and neglects me); where is Śrīraṅgam of the Lord who enslaved me? I will go to Tirunīrmalai, the abode of Nīrvaṇṇan; this seems to be the condition of those who have lost their femininity!”    


2070 muṭṛārā vanamulaiyāḷ pāvai * māyan moyyagalattuḷ iruppāḷ aqdum kaṇḍu

 aṭṛāḷ * tan niṛaivaḻindāḷ āvikkinṛāḷ * aṇi araṅgam āḍudumō? tōḻī! ennum **

 peṭṛēn vāyc col iṛaiyum pēsak kēḷāḷ * pēr pāḍit taṇkuḍandai nagarum pāḍi *

 poṭṛāmaraik kayam nīrāḍap pōnāḷ * poruvaṭṛāḷ en magaḷ um ponnum aqdē    

“Even though my matchless daughter sees that Śrī-devī is eternally living on the strong chest of the incredible Lord, she wants Him only; she doesn’t listen to my soothing words; she has lost her femininity; she sighs; she asks her friend, ‘My friend! Shall we dance singing the glories of Śrīraṅgam?’ She sings the glories of Tiruppēr Nagar and the cool Tirukkuḍandai; she wants to go to the golden lotus pond to take a bath; (O ladies!) Your daughters also behave like this?”   


2071 tērāḷum vāḷ arakkan selvam māḷat * ten ilaṅgai mun malaṅgac centī olgi *

 pērāḷan āyiram tōḷ vāṇan māḷap * porukaḍalai araṇ kaḍandu pukku mikka

 pārāḷan ** pār iḍandu pārai uṇḍu pār umiḻndu pār aḷandu * pārai āṇḍa

 pērāḷan * pēr ōdum peṇṇai maṇ mēl * peruntavattaḷ enṛallāl pēsalāmē?    

“He (Rāma) devastated the wealth of Rāvaṇa, the great chariot rider and sword fighter, by setting the city of Laṅkā on fire; to chastise the aggressive and one-thousand-shouldered Bāṇāsura, the Lord (Kṛṣṇa) crossed a stormy ocean and a mighty fort; this girl, who incessantly chants the holy names of the glorious Lord—who is ever victorious, the master of the earth, who brought up the earth on His tusk, who swallowed the earth and later brought it out, who measured the earth and thus protected this earth—is very fortunate; is it possible to say anything else?”


2072 * maivaṇṇa naṛuṅguñji kuḻal pin tāḻa * makaram sēr kuḻai irupāḍu ilaṅgi āḍa *

 eyvaṇṇa veñjilaiyē tuṇaiyā * iṅgē iruvarāy vandār en munnē ninṛār **

 kai vaṇṇam tāmarai vāy kamalam pōlum * kaṇ iṇaiyum aravindam aḍiyum aqdē *

 avvaṇṇattavar nilaimai kaṇḍum tōḻī! * avarai nām devar enṛu añjinōmē!    

In the following ten songs, Parakāla Nāyakī expresses her heart to her friend.

“He (Kṛṣṇa) came in front of me with His black, fragrant locks of hair flowing on His back; a pair of makara-kuṇḍala swinging; carrying His ever-victorious bow and along with His brother (Balarāma); His arms were beautiful like lotus flowers; His mouth also was like a lotus; His eyes were also like a lotus; His feet were also like a lotus; o friend! Though I understood the intention (for union) of that beautiful Lord, I was afraid that He might be a demigod!      


2073 naivaḷam onṛu ārāyā nammai nōkkā * nāṇinār pōl iṛaiyē nayaṅgaḷ pinnum *

 seyvaḷavil en manamum kaṇṇum ōḍi * emperumān tiruvaḍik kīḻ aṇaiya ** ippāl

 kai vaḷaiyum mēgalaiyum kāṇēn * kaṇḍēn kanamakarak kuḻai iraṇḍum nāngu tōḷum *

 evvaḷavuṇḍu emperumān kōyil? enṛēṛku * iduvanṛō eḻilāli enṛār tāmē     

This song explains how the Lord attracted by the pure devotion of Parakāla Nāyakī tries to enchant her by singing softly an amorous song (naivaḷam); however, when she looks at the lotus feet of the Lord she is taken over by the love.

“He started singing softly an amorous song (and since I hid my overflowing loving feelings) He looked at me as if He was shy; then He continued to sing and my heart and eyes ran to His lotus feet; then I lost my bangles and waistband (meaning that the Lord embraced her) and I saw His heavy shark-shaped earrings and His four shoulders (total surrender to the Lord); (hoping that He would take me to His abode) I asked, ‘How far away is my Lord’s abode?’ He pointed to Tiruvāli and said, ‘This elegant Tiruvāli is my abode.’”       


2074 uḷḷūrum sindai nōy enakkē tandu * en oḷi vaḷaiyum māniṛamum koṇḍār iṅgē *

 teḷḷūrum iḷanteṅgin tēṛal māndic * cēlugaḷum tiruvaraṅgam nammūr ennak **

 kaḷḷūrum paintuḻāy mālaiyānaik * kanaviḍattil yān kāṇban kaṇḍa pōdu *

 puḷḷūrum kaḷvā! nī pōhēl enban * enṛālum idu namakkōr pulavi tānē    

“He left taking my lovely bangles and my elegant body colour (material attachments) and leaving inside me a deep longing (loving feeling for Him in separation); (when He left) He said, ‘Śrīraṅgam, where the fish inebriated with the nectar (falling) from the tender coconut trees jump and frolic, is my abode.’ When I see that Lord adorned with a garland of fresh tulasī leaves dripping with nectar, in my dream, I tell Him, ‘O thief, flying on Garuḍa, don’t go away;’ but what’s the use? Our relationship with Him is conjugal love in separation always.”      


2075 irukaiyil saṅgivai nillā ellē pāvam! * ilaṅgoli nīr perum pauvam maṇḍi uṇḍa *

 peru vayiṭṛa karumugilē oppar vaṇṇam * peruntavattar aruntavattu munivar sūḻa **

 oru kaiyil saṅgu oru kai maṭṛāḻi ēndi * ulaguṇḍa peru vāyar iṅgē vandu * en

 porukayaṛ kaṇ nīr arumbap pulavi tandu * punal araṅgam ūrenṛu pōyinārē     

“The Lord, who has a big stomach where He kept all the swallowed planetary systems; whose body hue is like the dark rain cloud, rich with water taken from the stormy ocean; who is surrounded by pure devotees and sages; and who wields the conch in one hand and the disc in the other, came here to leave me with a painful feeling of separation and tears flowing from my eyes which are like a duelling pair of freshwater mullets and while leaving He said, ‘Water-rich Śrīraṅgam is my abode’; alas, since then the elegant bangles from my hands have fallen off!”      


2076 minnilaṅgu tiruvuruvum periya tōḷum * kari muninda kaittalamum kaṇṇum vāyum *

 tannalarnda naṛuntuḻāy malarin kīḻē * tāḻndilaṅgu makaram sēr kuḻaiyum kāṭṭi **

 en nalanum en niṛaivum en sindaiyum * en vaḷaiyum koṇḍu ennai āḷum koṇḍu *

ponnalarnda naṛuñjerundip poḻilin ūḍē * punal araṅgam ūrenṛu pōyinārē    

“He showed His body, dazzling like lightning; His broad shoulders; His hands which killed the demoniac elephant; His eyes; His lips; His makara-shaped earrings which dangle grazing the garland of fresh fragrant tulasī leaves and took away not only my beauty, my chastity, my heart, my bangles but also enslaved me; (while going) He said, ‘Śrīraṅgam, which is water-rich and surrounded by groves of mastwood trees displaying fragrant golden flowers, is my abode.’”          


2077 tēmaruvu poḻil iḍattu malarnda bōdait * tēnadanai vāy maḍuttu un peḍaiyum nīyum *

 pū maruvi inidamarndu poṛiyilārnda * aṛukāla siṛu vaṇḍē! toḻudēn unnai **

 āmaruvi nirai mēytta amarar kōmān * aṇiyaḻundūr ninṛānukku inṛē senṛu *

 nī maruvi añjādē ninṛu ōr mādhu * nin nayandāḷ enṛu iṛaiyē iyambik kāṇē  

“O six-legged small bee! Your body is shining because after drinking the honey from flowers in the fertile groves, you are enjoying with your lover sitting on a flower; I bow to you and request you to go immediately to the Lord who is standing in the elegant Tiruvaḻundūr; who enjoyed grazing herds of cows; and who is the master of nitya-muktas, be near Him without any fear, and just tell Him, ‘One lady is in love with You’ and see His response.”     


2078 * seṅgkāla maḍa nārāy! inṛē senṛu * tirukkaṇṇapuram pukku en seṅgkaṇ mālukku *

 en kādal en tuṇaivarkku uraittiyāgil * idu oppadu emakku inbam illai ** nāḷum

 paiṅgānam īdellām unadē āhap * paḻanamīn kavarndu uṇṇat taruvan * tandāl

 iṅgē vandu inidirundu un peḍaiyum nīyum * irunilattil inidinbam eydalāmē     

“O elegant red-legged stark! If you go to Tirukkaṇṇapuram today and tell about my love to the red-eyed Lord who is in love with me and who is my husband, I will be immensely happy; (if you do this favour to me) I will allow you to catch and eat all the big fish in this part of the sea; further, you can come and live here happily with your mate.”  


2079 tennilaṅgai araṇ sidaṛi avuṇan māḷac * cenṛu ulagam mūnṛinaiyum tirindōr tērāl *

 mannilaṅgu bhāratattai māḷa ūrnda * varai uruvin mākaḷiṭṛait tōḻī! * endan

 ponnilaṅgu mulaik kuvaṭṭil pūṭṭik koṇḍu * pōhāmai vallēnāyp pulavi eydi *

 ennilaṅgam ellām vandu inbam eyda * eppoḻudum ninaindu uruhi iruppan nānē

“O my friend! I will always meditate and hold my life awaiting the arrival of the Lord—who destroyed the fortress and killed Rāvaṇa and was victorious; who expanded covering all the three planetary systems; who is like a huge mountain-like elephant and who drove a chariot in the Mahābhārata war orchestrated by Him to eliminate the powerful kings—(when He comes) I will bind Him up to my breasts, which have become pale, get enough strength to not allow Him to leave; relive all the sufferings of separation I underwent and rejoice getting back the sensation in all parts of my body.”     


2080 * anṛāyar kulamagaḷukku araiyan tannai * alai kaḍalaik kaḍaintaḍaitta ammān tannai*

 kunṛāda vali arakkar kōnai māḷak * koḍuñjilai vāyc caram turandu kulam kaḷaindu

 venṛānai ** kunṛeḍutta tōḷinānai * viritirai nīr viṇṇagaram maruvi nāḷum

 ninṛānai * taṇ kuḍandaik kiḍanda mālai * neḍiyānai aḍināyēn ninaindiṭṭēnē     

“I, this lowly dog, meditate on the Lord who is the husband of Nappinnai, born in the cowherd clan; who churned the ocean; who built a bridge across the ocean; who shot arrows from His mighty bow to kill the arrogant and powerful king of the asuras (Rāvaṇa) and emerged victorious destroying the asura clan; who has the mighty shoulders which held Govardhana Hill as an umbrella; who stands eternally in Tiruviṇṇagaram full of water-rich lakes; the most benevolent Lord who reclines in the cool Kumbakōṇam; and is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”     


2081 * minnumā maḻai tavaḻum mēhavaṇṇā! * viṇṇavar tam perumānē! aruḷāy enṛu *

 annamāy munivarōḍu amarar ētta * arumaṛaiyai veḷippaḍutta ammān tannai **

 mannumā maṇimāḍa maṅgai vēndan * mānavēl parakālan kaliyan sonna *

 panniya nūl tamiḻ mālai vallār * tollaip paḻavinaiyai mudalariya vallār tāmē

“Those who can recite this garland of pure Tamiḻ songs rendered by Tirumaṅgaiyāḻvār who wields a victorious spear and is the chief of the eternal city of Tirumaṅgai full of multi-storied palaces—about the Lord who appeared as a Haṁsa worshipped by the sages and the demigods; who revealed the immensely valuable Vedic scriptures and praying to Him, ‘O Supreme Personality of Godhead whose body hue resembles the cool rain cloud streaked with lightning! Please be merciful.’— will be rid of all the past sinful reactions.”